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Showing posts with the label health

Fingernails on a Blackboard

If you are born tone deaf and someone sings out of tune, do you feel discomfort? You certainly do. Your brain senses discomforting sound whether your conscious self can sense it or not.  You will probably leave the room first if you are a music professional. fingernails on a chalkboard sound gives the shivers ear-piercing noise visceral reaction ear-splitting noise crying baby human scream sounds tied to survival rescue a crying infant shrill sounds study groups expressed the changes in skin conductivity chalkboard screeches sound was incredibly annoying fingernail-chalkboard sound triggers uptick in communication region brain involved in hearing another region brain involved in emotions nails on a chalkboard whine of power tools according to their pleasantness researchers functional magnetic resonance imaging fmri how participants brains responded to the sounds when the participants heard an unpleasant sound negative emotions it appears there is s...

Fresh Water is Becoming undrinkable

   ▶ Water undrinkable due to global warming and pollution water not fresh undrinkable provisioning display appliances contraptions warming contrivances stock teams fresh traps pad things paragraph shebang attachment apparatus fashion words fresh at water fittings accompaniments accessories utensils stuff listen gadgets fresh as | news stories| in undrinkable tackle and article collections array belongings trappings machinery fresh and undrinkable drink furnishings impediments setup writing taking facilities furniture fresh and undrinkable drink outfit habiliments happening read rig appurtenances vestiges tools kaboodle devices ear baggage Attachments things sets equipage material ornaments provisions gadget fixtures kit instructions gain | news stories |◀ | Fresh drinking water comes mainly from rivers, lakes and reservoirs. a person who studies these is a limnologist. Lakes are ecosystems which can serve as sentinels of climate change. Global and warming and pollution dam...

Do Not Use Genetic Testing for Alzheimer's, Herpes or Coeliac Disease!

Genetic testing should not be used for herpes, Alzheimer's or Coeliac disease. It seems that genetic testing is not all good for health problems. MedicineWise, a body of doctors and patients, has released an advisory list for scientists. DNA testing should no be used for coeliac disease, nor for herpes or Alzheimer's. Identifying a "causative" gene only indicates a probability. Indeed, screening for herpes in genetic testing for sexually transmitted disease is a misuse of resources.  Millions of dollars of government funding is wasted every year. A DNA finding is not a black and white issue. Gene determination is not 100 per cent. Many people with a "faulty" gene do live without ever getting the so called predetermined disease. Furthermore, patients can be falsely reassured by a DNA test. ◆ Chemistry by Ty Buchanan   ◆                Australian Blog   ★   Adventure Australia . . . . . . . . ...

Shortsightedness is Environmental and Genetic - Health

Myopic vision is genetic as well as Environmental - Health. Myopia is a very odd condition. Shortsighted people can only focus at a close distance because their eyeballs have grown too large. It is not so much an illness as a consequence of growing. It is a genetic problem. About 90 per cent of East Asians suffer from myopia. This compares to 25 per cent of Australians. Too much reading indoors is a causative factor. The more years one partakes in education the higher the probability that shortsightedness will occur. Spending time outdoors where it is necessary to focus on things at a distance seems to be preempt the ailment. Getting glasses does treat the condition. However, it can lead to problems in the future. There is a higher possibility of going blind. Detached retinas and glaucoma lead up to this. The age of technology has not been a factor in myopia. Yes, there is a lot of reading on tablets which is detrimental. Whether reading a book or looking at ...

We are Heading for a Protectionist World - Tariffs Will Return!

More jobs for the US economy. Globalization has failed. Countries are distinct cultures. Working life may be the same, but the values people live by are much different, particularly in regards to religion. Jobs have been lost in developed countries as so called developing countries keep labor costs down by manipulating their currencies and not giving their workers social welfare support. Americans want jobs A case in point is Australia's compulsory superannuation. This was a silly idea to begin with as companies went to the wall and workers lost all their super. This is a cost burden on wage costs. Employees must live now, so wages rose to leave enough current spending after paying in superannuation. This is seldom mentioned by economists let alone governments. Developing countries do not have this cost burden. No wonder Donald Trump is supported by a large slice of the American population. He promises to put up trade barriers to create jobs at home. His re...

Stem Cell Treatment Heals Lung Disease

Stem cell treatment improves chronic obstructive pulmonary disease COPD. Stem cells are magical in the things they can do. Just about every ailment they are aimed at succumbs to them. It could be that in the future it will be the most-used method of treatment.  There is a case for fast-tracking treatment to help those with chronic illnesses. Two patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease were injected with adult stem cells. After only a month they improved. A study of nine people also having the condition were given stem cells taken from bone marrow. Inflammation was reduced significantly. There has not been any method of treatment for COPD until the use of stem cells came to the fore. It is estimated that nearly 15 per cent of Australians over 40 have the disease.  This is incredibly high and hard to believe. The major symptom is difficulty breathing. A reduction in inflammation improves lung function. Dr Moodley who announced the research findings said the ...

Genetic Modification in for Health Out for Food

Genetic modification is favored in health but not for food. Convincing people to eat genetically modified food still has a long way to go to gain majority acceptance. Yet, just about everyone is in favor of using gene technology to treat health problems. This is a strange anomaly. Gene manipulation of any kind will change the world we live in. Once a change has been made and it spreads through the environment it is there forever. Drug companies admit they have lost the war in Europe. There is no way that GM food will ever be accepted there. It is largely an emotional decision, not scientifically based. Possibly, in the near future, Europe will ban DNA experimentation in health as well. This will be counter-productive. If money is invested in nations that welcome gene science then the environment will change anyway because we all live in the same world. There is a major problem looming, however, on the real future of genetically modified crops. To be profitable far...

More Monitoring of Polluted Air

Biology: monitoring of levels of polluted in the air is needed. Want to lose weight? Just stop breathing. It is as easy as that. Pregnant rats in China got fat because they breathed in polluted air.  People face the same problem.  Babies being born fatter may be desired.  However, it could indicate a lifetime of illness for those living in polluted regions. The rat's cholesterol went through the roof. They also became insulin resistant with diabetes just a short way down the track. Livers and lungs were inflamed. The longer they breathed the bad air, the fatter they got. Baby rats from the pregnant females were much sicker. Inflammation per se is directly related to obesity which is a precursor to diabetes, or even synonymous with it. Cancer, stroke and heart attacks are related to bad air. Poor health from polluted air is not just a Chinese problem. Western countries do not monitor bad air very intensely. A case in point is Brisbane in Australia where...

Health: Australian Conservatives Push to Privatize Healthcare

Health: Australian liberal conservative governments keep privatizing medicine There isn't much doubt that the Liberals (read conservatives) would like a completely privatised health system. They look lustfully toward the US and their inefficient structure - the most expensive health mishmash in the world! There is a logic to this "conservative hiding behind liberal sunglasses" behavior. You see, businesses don't like their taxes being "wasted" on something the private sector can run perfectly well, descrimination notwithstanding. Businesses would like this money back in a tax rebate so they can make higher profits, thankyou. Note how Liberal PM Menzies ended free pharmaceuticals brought in by Labor PM Chiffley. Gough Wittlam initiated Medibank after menzies It was just about the only thing he did that worked. This has now been pushed and poked by a series of Coalition governments to become the now private Medicare. No doubt, this political to...

Chromium is Carcinogenic at Any Level - Beware Weight Loss Pills!

Chromium like mercury has a bad name. We have all heard of mercury poisoning. It is a nasty and potentially fatal condition. Many miners today suffer from it particularly in developing countries where workplace health and safety is non-existent. Chromium comes in a variety of forms. It is used in compound with other metals. Its main use is for chrome plating, an industry which is fading as people turn to plastic based alternatives.  Chromium poisoning can occur through breathing in dust, eating, drinking, skin absorption and smoking.  Symptoms include dermatitis, asthma, ulcers, general infection, mucus membrane inflammation, burns on skin, respiratory tract inflammation, conjunctivitis with ulcers and lung cancer. It is disconcerting to hear that chromium supplements are being offered to lose weight. Like smoking, general body inflammation can keep one skinny, but it is an irrational thing to do. The US Academy of Science claims that 200 micrograms a day is safe. The ...