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Showing posts with the label disease

Link Between Diabetes and TB

There could be link to diet for tuberculosis. It seems people with diabetes are likely to also have tuberculosis in tropical Australia. Little is said about it, but tuberculosis is the leading cause of bacterial death in the world. It has also been known for some time about the predilection to have tuberculosis in people with diabetes. It could be a "racial" trait. Australian Aboriginals and those of Torres Strait descent are high on the list. having diabetes makes sufferers susceptible to immune dysregulation with opens people to infection generally. It is only rational to screen those with diabetes for tuberculosis. This is not currently done. It is not known if dysregulation is the cause of problem. Historical data is not much help because diabetes was not an identifiable disease while TB was, in past centuries. Research is being done to find find the reason for it. Reduce the prevalence of diabetes and cases of TB fall. It is as simple as that. ◆ Sc

HIV Aids Thrives in Western Gay Men

Like in days gone by humans will have to live with the possibility of losing a family member suddenly, at a young age, due to the inability to effectively fight disease. Antibiotics are failing as superbugs take hold. Some diseases such HIV have traits that make it impossible to cure. At best we can only fight the ailment and prolong life. A vaccine is a long way off. It may never be developed. This is the view of Francoise Barre-Sinoussi the person who first identified HIV. She is about to retire. Her position is that it is essentially a gay disease. The worst features of the disease are still in the homosexual population, despite one-eyed claims that everyone is in danger of contacting it. More gay men than heterosexuals are now getting the sickness in the Western world. There is a swing back to its initial form when it broke out in the 1980s. There is something about contact will contents of the bowel which suits HIV. It is the practice of gay men that is of prim

New Compunds in a Database to Fight Infection

When things get tough people will try anything. Antibiotics are no longer working, so researchers are asking for newly mixed compounds by chemists to be sent along to them. This a new project set up by the University of Queensland. The belief is that scientists are working on the same middle of the road compounds. It is in new compounds where hope lies. Every day new compounds are made and just discarded. They are never screened to see what they can do against pathogens. Community for Open Antimicrobial Drug Discovery (CO-ADD researchers located at UQ are ready to test the compounds against fungi and bacteria, especially superbugs. This will work because rights remain with the chemists who provide the samples. Funding has been been gained from sources in Australia, New Zealand, the U.S., France and India. The project began in February and will be ongoing. Prevalent diseases like malaria an dengue fever will be included in the target list. The database will be open

Vaccine for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is a widespread complaint. It is usually a malady of the elderly, but the young can succumb to it too. About the only treatment available is replacement of joints with artificial ones and analgesics. A team at the University of Queensland has taken a new approach. They have developed a vaccine. Many diseases are caused by the body attacking its own tissue. Arthritis is one of these. If the immune response is suppressed, inflammation decreases. This is how the new vaccine works. All Westerners have high inflammation levels. This may be a good thing to fight injuries. However, continued long term inflammation does damage to the body. Once switched on and the immediate danger solved it needs to be turned off. The new method involves taking a sample of the patient's immune cells which are then modified in the lab. This is injected back into the patient. The immune system no longer sees the modified peptide as foreign. Other problematic

Antimalarial Drug Artemisinin Made in Green Process

There is a new drug for malaria called artemisinin. It will be synthesized in a chemical process and the procedure is "green". The French pharmaceutical company Sanofi   produces a third of the world's demand annually. Unfortunately, the synthetic drug is expensive. Click to enlarge. Most of artemisinin is extracted from sweet wormwood. This is simple but the synthetic version involves the conversion of glucose into artemisinic acid: then three oxygen atoms are bonded on to produce artimsinin. It is complex. The use of toxic dichloromethane is not used in the new process. It was discovered, ironically, that water greatly assists the synthesis. It packs molecules together. Water-soluble photocatalyst is indeed clean and green. The result is a product that is purer than artemisinin taken directly from wormwood. ✴ Chemistry by Ty Buchanan ✴ http://adventure--austr

New Magic Fat Pill

A revolutionary diet pill has been developed by US and Chinese scientists. However, there is no hope for men - it only works on women. The critical ingredient in the pill comes from the South American primula tree. It works very will indeed on mice. Let us hope trials on humans are just as successful. Apparently, women will be able to eat with impunity and the calories will still be burnt off. Side effects are not known at present. Some promising products in the past had issues.   Chronic diarrhoea was the major problem . The primula molecule mimics the effects of exercise which produces BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor). Some diseases such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and Huntingdon’s could also probably be treated with the new molecule as BDNF is low in sufferers. Though the pill works effectively on females, for males it is toxic. Male mice got even fatter and became diabetic. If the new molecule is used to treat diseases in men, maybe they will have to put up with weight g

Homeopathy Claims by Firm are False

Let's face it - homeopathy is hogwash. How can a "medication" work if it is diluted into nothingness? Dilution of the main ingredients in homeopathic remedies is in the millions of particles to the base carrying substance. All cures are hearsay, with no scientific proof whatsoever. Homeopathy Plus claimed that the whooping cough vaccine didn't work, but its homeopathic treatment was a substitute that did the job. This of course was all lies. The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) has taken the company to court on the grounds that the claims are misleading and deceptive. The firm also made claims about cures for meningococcal disease, Japanese encephalitis, malaria and dengue fever. All these claims are mythical. Protests came from the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration ordering the claims be taken down.  Homeopathy Plus ignored this. More than a year after the advertising program has been completed a court has found in favor of t

Should Gay Sex be Banned?

People are becoming complacent. They believe that governments will take care of contagious disease. or think that severe sickness will not come close to them. They are wrong, Cases of Ebola in the US and Europe have shown we are all in danger. Even governments are not supporting the crisis in Africa by giving money. All Westerners seem to be selfish, living their own lives in the quest for more pleasure, not accepting the truth.  Ebola is a terrible disease with no cure. Disease is creeping up on us. Antibiotics no longer work. Syphilis for example, is at its highest level ever in Australia. We don't seem to care. More people are getting AIDS everyday.  Expensive long term treatment is the only answer for those who become ill. The way we live is the greatest problem. Societies seem to brush it under the carpet. However, AIDS and syphilis are mostly spread by gay men, yet cultures are increasingly making gay practices legal.  Everything seems to be okay today

Dangerous Love - Gonorrhoea

Millions of dollars is being spent in HIV research.  It is mainly spread by sexual contact. However, venereal diseases in general are being forgotten. Antibiotics are becoming ineffective in combating venereal diseases. Such infections have been around for thousands of years and there is still no cure. Antibiotics used to "knock it on the head" in the past. This luxury no longer exists. A serious resistant strain of gonorrhoea is extant in Australia and New Zealand. It has now arrived on our doorstep. A8806 is very similar to H041 which is absolutely untreatable. Different resistant strains have appeared in Japan, the US and Norway. Because people today are more promiscuous than ever "the clap" is spreading extremely fast. The disease affects the whole body invading mucous membranes such as the sexual organs, eyes and throat. Arthritis, heart infections and meningitis can result. Most people have serious symptoms. Pain when urinating, bl

Antibiotic Restant Staph Infects Australian Pigs

A world pandemic could occur at any time. Indeed, the chance of it happening eventually is assured. With the efficacy of antibiotics weakening there could be no treatment. Science could take months or years to find a "cure". Poultry is seen as the real danger though other animals close to Man are also a threat. A staph strain with high resistance has been identified in Australian pigs. No antibiotics have knocked out the "bug". The methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus has migrated here from Europe, Singapore or Canada. It is a bit of a mystery how the strain got into Australia. No live importing of pigs is allowed. Could the strain still be in pig carcasses used in the canned meat industry?  The only other possibility is human carriers. Staph can live in the nasal passages of people for more than two weeks. If a human carrier gets close to an animal the staph can be breathed in and the animal becomes sick. Horses are also a "wea