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Showing posts with the label politics

Are We Moving Toward a Secular World?

The world is polarizing with those who want to stay with religions and others who want to live their lives without any belief system. Certain norms of behavior remain from the past. The prayer before parliament begins goes back centuries. Few people go to church on Sunday anymore. Even in Muslim countries some want to live a secular life with fewer prayers throughout the day. Of course, the majority in these countries want worship pressed into law. It is human nature to make others do what you want. Unfortunately, many protest against this. The main problem is we all have different realities. There are seven billion realities on this planet. Though we are all presumed to be born the same everyone is different. No two people have the same range of hearing, color vision or even musical ability. What is truth for one is myth for another. In the past, force always won in the long term. Today freedom and independence is the call everywhere. When force meets force to
Many people in developed countries rely on welfare to live their lives. The welfare state has been accepted as the only way for government to go - until now. Britain where the welfare state began is making major cutbacks in government payments. Even in the US, where government support is perceived as low by non-US citizens, middle class welfare is rife. The term middle class is a widely misused term. Everyone knows it means the rich. It seems everyone has the their hands in the government feed trough. In Australia the baby bonus was introduced by a right wing Howard government. It is ironic that it has been virtually abolished by a left wing government. It was available to all, rich and poor. No means testing was ever done. The problem is political parties keep giving in order to be elected. This happens until a major deficit occurs and cutbacks are forced onto prevailing government. If redistribution of income was not done the rich would get richer and the poor would be u

Europe Will Bring the World into Depression

The European economic situation is becoming a world problem. There seems to be no way the Euro can be saved. There will definitely be a flow-on effect to the world economy. Despite the new agreement, without the UK, nothing has really changed. The regulation and punishment for spending too much is too late for Greece, Spain, Portugal, Ireland and Italy. When these countries ultimately default, and they will, France and Germany will be drawn into Depression with them because their banks have continued to lend to these deficit countries. There will be another problem in Europe that no one has highlighted. When unemployment gets too high in the struggling countries life will be unbearable. Labor is free to move across borders in the EC. Workers will move to where the work this. That is Germany and to a lesser extent France. Economic refugees will flood across the borders. The UK will not be exempt from this. For centuries England, Scotland and Wales have been destinations for w