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Australia Invents the Utility Car - the Ute

Motor cars rapidly became popular in the bush when Henry Ford introduced mass production lines that reduced their cost to within everyone’s reach. Farmers used their car to carry all sorts of ‘junk’ - from pigs to ploughs making a mess of the inside, so they resorted to cutting the back end off and fitting a tray behind the front seat. This worked, but was not very safe for the goods on the tray and dangerous when carrying livestock. In 1932 an enterprising farmer wrote to the Australian branch of the Ford Company telling them that like most farmers he was unable to afford both a car and a lorry. He was fed up with cutting his hands and his farming goods on the rough edges of the tray fitted to his makeshift car/truck. And his wife continually complained about riding to church in her Sunday best in a smelly vehicle. He asked Ford to design a purpose-built vehicle, one that he could use to take his pigs to market, pick up stock feed during the week and drive to church in comfort on Sun

Orangutan Hair

"I haven't got a comb!" Funny Animal Photos cat gets knife Adventure Australia Funny Weird Things Articles News Reviews ● ⌘   Vista Computer Solutions Blog   ⌘ ✤ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   . . . . . . . . . . free funny animals pictures amusing comical strange peculiar odd free news HAIRDO #orangutan #ape #hairdo #brush #comb #barber orangutan needs a comb hairdo haircut hair red fur untidy Ridiculous Varmint Depictions Comical Critter Portrayals Humorous Creature Snaps Amusing Zoological Shots Entertaining Feral Images Ludicrous Monster Depictions Playful Varmint Likenesses Silly Beast Snapshots Jolly Quadruped Pictures Snigger Views grin free news funny animal images

Drug Subsidies Taken Away From Pensionsers

The Australian government is in Goo Goo land with its health service. Cutting funds while spending on the odd "party belief" thing seems to be the order of the day. It is taking tens of billions out, then spending a billion on a stupid, fruitless idea. Don't I love it when I make you stupid old foggies pay?  Ah, ah, ah! It says it will end hepatitis C in Australia by spending on specific target drugs - over five years! Nothing is eradicated in just five years. It takes decades to half a century to stop a prevalent disease, and it will still come back occasionally. The government is following a policy of robbing Peter to pay Paul by subsidizing high end expensive drugs while taking many basics off the PBS scheme that pensioners rely on. Members of this government simply don't care as long their misguided belief that the market will solve all is promulgated when they lash out here and there with unfathomable foot in mouth decisions. ◆   Politics by Ty Buchanan  

SmartCap Measures Workers' Brainwaves Not Intelligence

You have all heard the phrase: "Get your brains tested." Well, perhaps it is mainly the older generation who heard it in their youth . However, some Australian workers are having their brains scanned. Should These SmartCaps stay where they are - in the cupboard They are wearing special baseball caps that measure brain activity. researchers are looking for signs of tiredness. It is fatigue that is the precursor to an accident. The problem is - are workers to be paid to have a rest? Of course, employers will say no. We could be heading toward a workplace rumble here! Ironically the new device is called a SmartCap, when there is nothing intelligent about it. It certainly does not measure intelligence. When tiredness is detected an alarm goes off that everyone in the vicinity can hear. Are employees expected to lie down and rest where they are standing? ◆ Technology by Ty Buchanan   ◆ Adventure Australia Funny Animal Photos Funny Weird Things Articles News Rev

Mouse Fistycuffs

"How about some fistycuffs then?" Funny Animal Photos cat gets knife Adventure Australia Funny Weird Things Articles News Reviews ● ⌘   Vista Computer Solutions Blog   ⌘ ✤ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   . . . . . . . . . . free funny animals pictures amusing comical strange peculiar odd free news MOUSE FIGHT #moouse #fistycuffs #fist #boxing #challenge #funny #comical #ring mouse wants a fight fisticuffs boxing take on argue rumble Ridiculous Varmint Depictions Comical Critter Portrayals Humorous Creature Snaps Amusing Zoological Shots Entertaining Feral Images Ludicrous Monster Depictions Playful Varmint Likenesses Silly Beast Snapshots Jolly Quadruped Pictures Snigger Views grin free news

Genetic Improvement of Honey Bee Output

The worldwide threat to the survival of honey bees is still here, but work on improving honey production continues. Selection of the best queen bees ironically has not been done in the past. If breeding queens only of the highest yielding hives is done, output per hive could increase by a kilogram a year. Genetic improvement in cattle has not been a one-off. The gain is cumulative each year. For this gain to be achieved small producers will have to come on board so old poor stock will not be "kept alive". Tests show that the queen bee is the main depository of better genes. Input from males is relatively stable with little change. External factors such as hive location and length of season do affect the quantity of honey, but gene selection would raise output overall. The Genetic Evaluation of Australian Honeybee report recommends the method of data collection and evaluation. Breeders must get into the habit of keeping data. The industry needs to be reformed away fr

Animal Photographer

"Cor!  Somebody should photograph this." Funny Animal Photos Animal photographer snap Adventure Australia Funny Weird Things Articles News Reviews ● ⌘   Vista Computer Solutions Blog   ⌘ ✤ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   . . . . . . . . . . free funny animals pictures amusing comical strange peculiar odd free news GOSH PHOTO #animal #film #photographer #camera #tripod #scene #shock #surprise #gosh  animal snaps photograph shock good view see exclaim cor color Ridiculous Varmint Depictions Comical Critter Portrayals Humorous Creature Snaps Amusing Zoological Shots Entertaining Feral Images Ludicrous Monster Depictions Playful Varmint Likenesses Silly Beast Snapshots Jolly Quadruped Pictures Snigger Views grin free news