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Work Watching Pair

"Yeah they've been there all day, making out they're working - blaaaah!" ~~~~~ Funny Animal Photos ~~~~~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Don't Blaim Falling Birth Rate on Government's Lack of Childcare

As developing countries become more developed with rising incomes and better health care so the birthrate is falling. Taiwan is a case in point. They are worrying now about how the large proportion of elderly people in the country will be cared for. Taiwanese couples only have one child, currently. In China with the one-child policy the birthrate is higher than Taiwan's 0.91 per cent. This country has the Western "disease" of very expensive housing and wives finding it necessary to work to pay for a home. The date for having children is put off virtually indefinitely. Like in other "advanced" countries the blame is being laid on the government's failure to provide healthcare. The propensity to allocate responsibility on government is a mistake. Unless healthcare is treated as unskilled labor it will remain expensive, Surely any responsible parent would not leave their children in the care of second-class workers? Taking care of young children, particularly b...

Messy Pig

"Yeah, I'm a pig." ~~~~~ Funny Animal Photos ~~~~~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Tax on Internet Sales is Economically Irrational

Calls by big business in Australia for the Goods and Services Tax to be extended to cover Internet purchases less than a thousand dollars is just sour grapes on their part. Only 3 per cent of all Australian purchases are for Internet sales and many of these are local Australian purchases. The Government has said the cost of collection would be far more than the income gained. Such a tax would be like re-implementing tariff barriers. It could certainly be interpreted that way. Big business is not calling for new trade barriers is it? It has taken half a century to reduce barriers in the car industry. Even now some obstacles to free trade remain in motor vehicle production. Australian businesses have to lift their game. Go into a department store and try to find someone to give assistance. You can't find anybody! Staff has been cut to ridiculously low levels. If you do find a lower price for a product on the Internet from a company overseas there is still the post and packaging cost ...

Cosy Cat - Ear

"Your ear is so cosy Rufus." ~~~~~ Funny Animal Photos ~~~~~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Women Want to Stay at Home - That's a Fact

New research shows what many have known for years, that woman want to marry a rich man and stay at home. Going shopping everyday with a pleasant trip to the coffee shop makes the ideal life for most women. In regard to sex many don't even need it. Perhaps the lower libido of an elderly man suites them. Times of campaigning for equality are over. Look around and you see most women marry, get pregnant within a year or so, and live off their husband's income, totally. Many never intend to work after getting married. A staggering 69 per cent of those surveyed said they wanted to stay home with their children. Ask a man who is heading toward the age of 30 what he wants out of life. He will breath in deeply, heave out a sigh, then say "I am sick of work!" No one wants to toil away all those valuable hours in the day when you could be relaxing, fishing, messing about with the car, or tinkering with something in the garden shed. Women feel the same, though they would rather d...

Mean Mob

"We'll raid the joint tonight." ~~~~~ Funny Animal Photos ~~~~~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .