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Monkey Transport

"This vehicle stops at all stations." ~~~~~ Funny Animal Photos ~~~~~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Future Fund Invests in Tobacco

Hypocrisy reigns. The Australian Government is bringing in extremely tough smoking laws, yet investment in tobacco companies is seen to be alright. In 2006 the then Coalition Government set up a future fund. Its goals were to fund future costs of pensions for public servants, judges and so on. A look at the books as shown that the fund's managers deem holding shares in 14 tobacco companies to be a good thing. They obviously don't think the Government's actions to ban tobacco firms from putting their name on cigarette packets will lead to a fall in profit nor affect secure future operations. Tobacco investment is only 0.5 per cent of total investment. However, it is unethical and it goes against Government policy. While making the highest return is written into fund guidelines, the body is supposed to be monitored by the Treasurer. There seems to be a difference of opinion between the Prime Minister and Treasurer. The Prime Minister fully supports the name and logo ban initi...

Small Eared Cat

"Then when I got to the head of the queue there was only small ones left." ~~~~~ Funny Animal Photos ~~~~~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Foster Care Is Still an Issue

Australians are not doing their parental duties very well. A record number of children are in government care due to abuse and neglect. Authorities say that out-of-care has grown largely because of improvement in information gathering. However, an increase of 44 per cent in 4 years is worrying. Putting children in care is seen as making life better for badly treated children. There is debate about this issue. A child living on a quasi temporary basis in an institution or foster family situation certainly grows up with a "skewed" outlook on life. Their upbringing is not "normal". And they know it. Saying there are multiple issues at home is really a cop out by the government. It doesn't explain why the problem exists nor offer a satisfactory solution. Holding that reuniting them with their families is too much work sounds very much like the department has given up. The desire to be with their families is strong even when they are young adults. Foster care has alw...

Grass Is Greener Elephant

"The grass is greener outside of this yard. Please feed me!" ~~~~~ Funny Animal Photos ~~~~~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Do-Gooders Steam off in Anger

Our freedom of speech is under attack from do- gooders who want to stop others expressing their views. There is a bit of nastiness in all of use. We do not act on this because our sense of humour can be used to smooth things out. A case in point is the adoption of bumper stickers with "Kangaroos, run the buggers over" written on them by a rental caravan company. This is dry wit and harmless fun. If you do try to run them down you will be arrested. Even the RSPCA protested. It would be expected that the Australian Society for Kangaroos would have something to say. The company did remove the stickers, though they should have left them because even bad advertising sells. ~~~~~ Society ~~~~~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Snow Cat Photo

"Take it now! I can't hold this position much longer." ~~~~~ Funny Animal Photos ~~~~~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .