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Flying Dog

"Clear the runway" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Funny Animal Photos

Dangers of Gene Manipulation

The war over genetic manipulation of crops and the human body has not yet been won be either side. Recently Greenpeace destroyed a crop of modified wheat that had been genetically altered to raise fiber content which was intended to reduce bowel cancer. Cross contamination of non-modified crops on farms adjacent to land where GM food is grown was given as the reason for the attack. There are many dangers with gene replacement technology: Possible birth defects Anti-biotic resistance Control of patented GM seeds Vertical control of food chain Changes to soil balance Horizontal gene change to related crops Both sides of Australian politics support gene manipulation. Just why this is the case is a big question. Many Australians are troubled by GM use, though not so much by gene treatment in medicine. Like the nuclear power disaster in Japan, one gene related "accident" may end the optimism. ...

Cat Guide

"And this is the old table where it all took place." . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Funny Animal Photos

New Drug Sterilizes Dogs and Other Animals

In just about any country you visit, there are unwanted dogs. Roaming packs of semi-wild dogs are the most dangerous especially for children. They even attack domesticated dogs on leash. A breakthrough in dog sterilization has been found to slow dog breeding. The drug developed by Dr. Loretta Mayer when given to female dogs sterilizes them. Tests are being carried out in India where dogs are infected with rabies. Though years of testing has to be done to get it passed by the US Food and Drug Administration, Dr. Mayer is talking to Arizona state legislature to introduce the drug for use in animal shelters as soon as possible. The drug will also work on other animals. Of great interest is the potential to eliminate rats. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . So...

Highway Cat

"Yes I'm the highwayman. This book confirms it." . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Funny Animal Photos

Top Predators Are Crucial in Keeping Ecosystems in Balance

Mankind's actions is affecting the balance of animal life on the planet. Herbivores and their predators are declining in all regions. When a top predator ceases to exist the animal environment is no longer in balance. Focusing on individual animals is faulty research. It is important to examine The way an animal fits into the whole system. The study of top predators such as lions, wolves, and sharks is difficult. How do you test how an ecosystem would function without them? Research to date shows that losing top animals causes damaging effects from the top down. For example too many herbivores creates deforestation because they eat the shoots of young trees sprouting from the ground. Leopards declined in Africa then baboons increased in number moved into town and spread intestinal parasites to humans. Reducing the number of great wales has released carbon into the atmosphere: their feces stored carbon which fell to the ocean floor. In the past animal parks have been created w...

Flower Goats

"Yeah, we're afraid of flowers." . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Funny Animal Photos