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Photo Cat

"Nah! I don't care. Take my photo." . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Funny Animal Photos

Black Tulips and Blue Roses - All Is Possible

The black tulip will soon be a reality. Development of a blue rose has nearly be achieved. A new rose that is "nearly" blue is soon to be released onto the Japanese market. The asking price - a quite low $30 each. There is no blue pigment in a rose, so it is impossible for a natural rose to display this color. The tone has to be put into the plant. It has been done by genetically splicing color into the rose from Petunias. This flower has a blue pigment called Delphinidin. The combined project by both Japanese and Australians has taken twenty years to create the "blue" rose. American nurseryman Samuel Parsons said as long ago as the 19th century that one day scientific advances would lead to the cultivation of a blue rose. Attempts have been made in the 20th century. A blue-grey rose was bred, but it flowered only once. For many years roses dyed blue have sold well in England. Unfortunately, horticultural advisor to the Royal Horticultural society, Helen Bostock, be...

Cute Cat

"Yes I am cute. I can't help it." . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Funny Animal Photos

Populations in Developed Countries Are Getting Older

Though populations in Western countries are getting older, the proportion of young people in developing countries is extremely high. There are no fears of a future labor shortage because of this. However, Western economies will probably face higher unemployment and lower tax revenue if they do not employ older citizens. Countries that go through boom times seem to end up with societies that do not produce enough children to "even out" the general population over time. A case in point is Japan. It was a strong economy from the 1960s. Now it is struggling but the propensity not to have children persists. Savings were high in Japan. Elderly people have already sold off assets that they had accumulated to fund their retirement. Savings have fallen from 15 per cent of GDP to only 3 per cent. Baby boomers experienced the highest standard of living ever so they had the opportunity to save. Younger Japanese workers today do not have the income surplus to put aside for the...

Boxing Cat

"Then I gave him a left hook!" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Funny Animal Photos

The Poor Health of Men Prevents Conception

Healthy sperm levels in "modern" men are declining. It is increasingly males who are responsible for their partners' failure to conceive. Men today do little exercise, eat too much fat and carbohydrates, and drink too much alcohol. It is no wonder their sperm counts are low. No longer can women be blamed for being overweight. Being a little overweight does not prevent women from conceiving. Men need to lose their beer guts, pleasantly referred to as love handles. Tests on male mice showed that obesity decreased the probability of fertilizing female mice. The success of embryo implantation was also decreased, and babies born from these males showed delayed fetal development. Three quarters of Australian men are overweight. This is way above the world average of 48 per cent. Male mice fed fast food gave disastrous results in producing healthy offspring. Foods that improve sperm count are eggs, sweet potatoes, yogurt, berries, seeds and nuts. Furthermore, consuming ...

Dog Owns Fire Hydrant

"This is my fire hydrant so clear off!" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Funny Animal Photos