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Dancing Cats

"You i diots! "   ✿   ✴  Funny Animal Photos by Ty Buchanan   ✴ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Mass Extinction Has Begun

You may stop fearing an asteroid colliding with the Earth. Man himself could be the cause of the next mass extinction. People who harp on about climate change being a religion and an article of faith are like those who ignored Noah. Remember that humans got down a few hundred individuals in the past. We are very lucky to be here today. Of course the world would have gone on without us: it would be a very different world. There would be no pollution anywhere. Ebola is out of control. Antibiotics are failing. A world-wide plague could be on the cards. Danger to Man is not the only issue. Twenty five per cent of mammals could soon disappear. Forty per cent of amphibians are at risk. Because species are already dying off, a mass extinction could have already begun. The hottest decade on record shows that life is declining. When animals die off the food supply for other creatures also goes. So the path of extinction of predator species becomes real as well. Carbon is the...

Tool Use Began Millions of Years Ago With Pre-humans

Australopithecus africanus were much like humans. They had evolved to use their hands to do intricate thing. It would have been possible for them to turn a key or hold a hammer. Coming down from the trees "caused" manipulatory advancement. The most useful attributes spread to more of their number due to longer survival and breeding capability. While anthropologists are not sure that they used the advanced abilities, it is highly probable that they did otherwise the traits would not have become dominant. This pushes tool use way, way back to 3 million years ago. How do scientists know that Australopithecus had complex skills? Trabeculae which is inside bones in the hands shows how hands were used. Humans, for example use the fingers and thumb region more than chimpanzees. Our friendly relations mainly use their fingers. The supposition that tool use began millions of years ago was only theory: now it is proven.  Culture must have been passed on to offspring as well. ...

Kittens See

" Look at that.  Can you believe it? "   ✿   ✴  Funny Animal Pictures by Ty Buchanan   ✴ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Too Big Seal - Feet

" Are my feet too big? "   ✿   ✴  Funny Animal Photos by Ty Buchanan   ✴ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Teaching Compuuter Coding in Schools Could be Redundant

There is so much pressure on children to learn coding. Governments keep pumping money into new schemes. However, this could all be a waste of money. Remember when governments invested all that money into providing PCs to schools. Then the laptop came along and they had to change to making the new tech available. After this came tablets followed by large mobile phones. Chasing new technological developments is a fool's game. Most parents don't want government money. They want to choose what their children "need" at at school. Years ago the Mac was pushed as the "must have" to do drawing work. It was encouraged for what is now called Graphics in school. It used to be called technical drawing or drafting. Schools adopted Autocad for Windows and Macs were redundant. Furthermore, PCs were the machine of choice in most schools for class work and at university . There are many kinds of computer languages. Specializing in one leaves you in a co...

Beer Animal

" This is good stuff. "   ✿   ✴  Funny Animal Pictures by Ty Buchanan   ✴ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .