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New Treatment for Type 1 Diabetes - Mice

 ▶ New Method of altering cells to react to blood sugar will treat sufferers when testing is completed on lab animals. mice type | cells new medical mutations health gene cells genetics diseases type, mice | | notable new public form new compose treatment web have screen new syllables mind keyboard treatment diabetes you write shown pen you pencil word | found. quotes new blog feel || ||◀ | There is new hope that the plague of diabetes across the globe will be stopped. in the U.S. cells were altered so they made insulin. The condition was cured using them in laboratory mice  No side effects appeared.         | treatment new paragraph phrase comprehend book monitor page new letters type diabetes vowels dot comma capital consonants create make solid body | Unfortunately, the treatment only works on Type 1 diabetes. A virus carried genes that produce insulin which successfully entered the pancreas of rodents. This is how the body normally b...

Living a Long Life Depends on DNA

 ▶ Enjoying life does influence how long our sojourn is. What one gets from mum and dad determines our existence on this planet. | dna | smoking inherited dying medical mutations health gene centenarians variants genetics diseases geriatrics igf-1, dna | | notable new public life form living compose long web have screen new syllables mind living keyboard long depends you write life shown pen you pencil word | age found. new quotes living blog life feel depends living || ||◀ | We all want to live to a hundred. The key to doing this is having parents with long-life genes. Of course, being active and having a balanced diet is also essential. Good DNA will not do help if you have a fatal accident.         | long living paragraph phrase new comprehend book monitor page new letters depends vowels dot comma capital consonants create new make solid life body people | Growth hormone has proved to be effective in prolonging life. One must carry the benef...

Florida Melaleuca Invasion Stopped by Weevil

 ▶ Southern Florida has had a problem in its swampland. The pesky melaleuca from Oz has been outgrowing natural plants. Weevil rescue || everglades trees entomology vegetation insect forest habitats spread biological biodiversity wetlands || notable new public invasion form florida compose melaleuca web have screen new syllables mind florida keyboard melaleuca stopped you write invasion shown pen you pencil word | age found. new quotes florida blog invasion feel stopped weevil florida || ||◀ | Move something to a place where it isn't it is asking for trouble. The Australian tree melaleuca (Melaleuca quinquenervia) was introduced to south Florida a century ago. It took over and became a weed.         | pest florida paragraph phrase new comprehend book monitor melaleuca page new letters stopped vowels dot comma capital consonants create new make melaleuca solid pest | An effective way to fight such a pest is to bring something else from the country ...

New Australian Process Improves Herbicides

 ▶ An Australian business is taken over by a Canadian organization. A developing concept is lost, but it will make farming more efficient. | glyphosate notable new public improves form australian compose process web have screen new syllables mind australian keyboard you write improves shown pen you pencil word petroglyphs | age found. new quotes process australian blog ◀ | Farmers are constantly fighting weed infestation. The ordinary consumer has a similar problem if he/she has a large garden. About the only thing that works to kill general weeds is glyphosate.  Constant use, however, does seem to weaken its potency.         | australian paragraph phrase new comprehend book monitor process page new letters herbicides vowels dot comma capital consonants herbicides create new make process solid | If there was a better product out there it would have been discovered years ago. There is some hope. Dendrimer technology could increase glyphosate ef...

Islamic Extremism is a Right Brain Problem

 ▶Societies islamic is told by brain carvings. They are preserved on brain - extremism.| oh problem islamic teaching muslim or have so islamic ah you on right so you or have | age found. muslim ho problem ◀ | Conversion to terrorism as an adult is a trigger. An extreme Islamic disposition develops due to concepts being forced into the mind as a person grows up. It is what people learn as children that pushes them to kill themselves and others. Teaching them to be martyrs is a bad thing despite what a book of fiction says.  Mohammad was not a prophet. He could not do any miracles because he was not in contact with God.      | of brain it religion you islamic or extremism up have we right of islamic in you oh extremism la right ha religion go have oh problem right extremism ah blog | A lady had an operation on her brain to stop epileptic seizures. The Hemispheres were separated by an incision through the middle of her brain. For the rest of her life her left a...

Government Bans Kill Human Pleasure

 ▶ A government stops all the fun by legislating bans on the use of beneficial things. However, short term benefits do not outweigh negatives. | illegal notable data government public human form bans compose kill web have screen government syllables mind bans keyboard you write human shown pen you pencil word bans human | age found. government quotes kill blog illegal law ◀ | If you have depression something that makes you feel good is needed.  Valium, Prozac and their variants can be taken.  Only those with low sensitivity thresholds get pleasure from these drugs.  The average person does not get any pleasurable sensation at all.         | bans paragraph phrase government comprehend book monitor kill page government letters pleasure vowels bans dot kill comma capital consonants government create kill solid bans law | States kill all the pleasure in life.  There are substances banned by governments that definitely do give people p...

Ancient Greeks Paid Taxes Voluntarily

 ▶ In ages past civilizations were different than those currently. The way humans act and think are not the same.| wealth notable ancient public taxes form greeks compose paid web have screen ancient syllables mind greeks keyboard you write taxes shown pen you pencil word petroglyphs | age found. ancient quotes paid greeks blog ◀ | It is a pity that Man has lost something - humanity. The ancient Greeks were a much fairer people particularly to each other and the state. The Wealthy felt a moral obligation to give to the government. They also helped the poor financially.         | paragraph phrase ancient comprehend greeks book monitor paid page ancient letters voluntarily vowels greeks dot paid comma capital consonants voluntarily create ancient make paid solid | Wealth was not seen in monetary terms. Real riches lay in doing good. Doctors did charge but did not ask those who had little for payment. They relied on what they were given: this could be a gi...