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Neanderthals and Denisovans Walk Around in Heaven

Anthropology: Adam and Eve hominids in the Garden of Eden. Humans were not alone on the evolutionary path. There would always be at least one more type of hominid existing nearby until the last 13,000 years (Hobbits). If the number of chromosomes was very close then fertile offspring were possible. The case for neanderthal closeness is still not yet known for sure. Some make bold claims about humans having neanderthal genes, but note that we did have a common ancestor. "This is the Garden of Eden love, from the volcano God." Take it with a pinch of salt about us being Neanderthal, Denisovan, human hybrids. This is fairytale stuff. Neanderthals were mainly in Europe and Denisovans were for the most part in southeast Asia. This would mean that humans from Africa would be genetically pure. However, the Neanderthal gene chains are also in them. Perhaps these genes are common to most hominids. Only a few decades ago many scientists loudly proclaimed that people ca

Sociological Study Shows Women Get Lower Prices on eBay

Sociology: women make more profit on eBay by selling at lower prices. Men and women are the same - well not really. There may be a drive to make the workplace equal for both sexes. However, there are clear biological differences and thought processes are not the same. Certain parts of the brain are preferred by either sex.  What is involved in selling? Description and layout are paramount. Relevant and stimulating pictures are required. The correct price to sell adequate volume of a product and make a profit are also essential. Men and women see these factors differently. An examination of eBay shows that women sell the same products at lower prices than men. Considering people can easily find the cheapest product in a category because of the way eBay is designed, women managers will make more sells. Researchers said that buyers have lower expectations of women sellers. This is a red herring: buyers do not normally look to see whether a seller is a man or woman. I fo

Health: Australian Conservatives Push to Privatize Healthcare

Health: Australian liberal conservative governments keep privatizing medicine There isn't much doubt that the Liberals (read conservatives) would like a completely privatised health system. They look lustfully toward the US and their inefficient structure - the most expensive health mishmash in the world! There is a logic to this "conservative hiding behind liberal sunglasses" behavior. You see, businesses don't like their taxes being "wasted" on something the private sector can run perfectly well, descrimination notwithstanding. Businesses would like this money back in a tax rebate so they can make higher profits, thankyou. Note how Liberal PM Menzies ended free pharmaceuticals brought in by Labor PM Chiffley. Gough Wittlam initiated Medibank after menzies It was just about the only thing he did that worked. This has now been pushed and poked by a series of Coalition governments to become the now private Medicare. No doubt, this political to

Maya Sniffs Out Koala Scat

Genetics: Maya the dog sniffs out koala poo scat waste Dogs like sniffing poo. Now they are being trained to sniff the poo of koalas. This is not unusual. In the United States trained dogs seek out the scat of wolves coyotes, lynx and bears.  Dogs are built for this type of work. Australian scientists want to know the location of koalas, what they are eating and their genetics. DNA can be obtained from the coating of cells. Humans searched a particular site and found no koala waste, but a trained dog pinpointed some. Maya is the only dog working at the Sunshine Coast University to do such work. Crowd funding is being organized to train more dogs. Maya was rescued, so dogs in danger of being put down are going to be used. ◆ Genetics by Ty Buchanan   ◆ Adventure Australia Funny Animal Photos Funny Weird Things Articles News Reviews ● Vista Computer Solutions Blog                Australian Blog   ★   Adventure Australia ALL BLOG ARTICLES · ──► ( BLOG HOM

Some Fish Live in Toxic Acid Water

Biology: Atlantic Molly fish of Mexico survive high hydrogen sulfide acid. There is hope for the future of fish as the world is polluted more every day. Some fish can live in extreme toxic, acidic environments. For example, the Atlantic Molly fish of Mexico can survive high levels of hydrogen sulfide acid. They are the only fish in volcanic freshwater springs. Mollies do not filter out the toxin. They turn on certain genes that do the filtering job for them. Of the fish's 35,000 genes 170 are enhanced in the process: these linked genes are all involved in removing hydrogen sulfide. If things get serious and species of fish begin to die out, this group of genes could be "spliced" into the gene structure of endangered fish. They would not be the same fish, but at least some vestige of the evolutionary sequence of dying fish would live on. ◆ Biology by Ty Buchanan   ◆ Adventure Australia Funny Animal Photos Funny Weird Things Articles News Reviews ●

Sea Slug Toxin Kills Cancer

Chemistry: sea slug toxin will kill cancer cells. Sea slugs can be beautiful with their brightly colored coats. However, they carry the most toxic substances known. They display "you can't miss us" patterns because enemies try to avoid them. They eat meat. The closest thing to a vegetable that they consume are sponges. Latrunculin A. is the toxin stored in their bodies. They get this from food. Shrimps die immediately when they are attacked by sea slugs. Apparently, a sea slug will die if Latrunculin A. gets into its bloodstream. Tests show that the main sea slug toxin will kill cancer cells. It could potentially also be used to treat neurodegenerative disease. The problem is of course finding a transport medium and getting it to market. ◆   Chemistry by Ty Buchanan   ◆ Adventure Australia Funny Animal Photos Funny Weird Things Articles News Reviews ● Vista Computer Solutions Blog                Australian Blog   ★   Adventure Aust

Parliamentarians Can Be Trusted - Ah ah ah!

politics funding cuts to CSIRO Malcolm Turnbull loves private business so much so that he is making massive funding cuts to CSIRO. The public/private body is sacking 110 highly skilled employees from the Oceans and Atmosphere division. More sackings are in the pipeline because CSIRO has been forced into this position by first Tony Abbott and now Malolm Turnbull. The soft smile of the PM is only a thin veneer over the right wing belief that the market solves everything. No work being done here! We would be driving on dirt tracks if road funding was not public. The poor would be dying in the streets if medical treatment was private. There would be no trains to the city for daily commuters, as the only private rail tracks transport minerals to the coast. Rural people would have no means of communication if Telstra had not been a public enterprise. The copper wire still used for the Internet was put down over a century ago and is still being used in some places. We always ge