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The Wealthy Won't Pay

Some people are extremely arrogant. In the present economic downturn it is not the poor who believe that the world owes them a living. Like many banks who continue to pay their executives high salaries despite accepting money from government, some wealthy people expect to live the high life at someone else's expense. Karin Upton Baker (her double barrelled name should give her away for a start) expects companies she has borrowed money from to leave her alone and let her live well despite owing them $18 million. In court she is saying that the claim against her is "unjust". She says that she did not read the contracts. Furthermore, she lied to financiers telling them that she had taken legal advice before signing the documents. Assuming that companies will leave her with the five apartments, living in them and collecting rent, is a bit much when you consider she hasn't paid any moneys back since July last year. Despite earning $7,000 a week she claims she cannot to af

Australia Sends in the Joke Police

Australia goes "politically correct" mad! The Federal Police has set up a new division that will monitor Australians telling jokes about cyclists, fat people, sex, Jews and Blacks. If you snigger at a fat person in a street you will be locked up. What is ridiculous is the punishment - a year in detention at the home of a member of the Australian Family Association. If someone gives the finger in response to this, what will police do? It is hard to believe that this is true. But it is in fact taking place. We will see stages raided when an actor makes a racist remark. He will be be cuffed and taken away. Magda Szubanski (a fat comedienne) will be arrested for making jokes about Jews, or even Germans: she is of Polish descent after all. Another joke artist will be arrested for making fun of her. In short, Australia has banned satire. Anything with a dual meaning will now be a prime target for police. It was the skit on Hey Hey Its Saturday that did it. A man with white make up