We are reaching a point now where you will not be able to stop companies having free reign to monitor and cajole people into doing things enterprises want. The legislation to prevent this will just be too complex to effectively use. Individual rights will be trodden underfoot in the rush for higher company profits as oligopolies rule the world.
These big companies are snapping up smaller rivals at their whim. They have massive amounts of money to spare. Australia is a favored testing ground for such enterprises due to its small population and established markets. Companies can easily check out something new and see how it will work in larger economies.
Coca-Cola is putting facial recognition software on fridges in Australia so it can watch the behavior of customers and how they react to adds on the refrigerator. Sales have increased by 12 per cent over standard fridges. This is great for building up your waistline and for Coca-Cola.
When you go to get a fizzy drink in future you will enjoy a targeted entertainment program which is really just a colorful add just for you. If it is a hot day expect shows of people frolicking on sunny, sandy beaches quaffing coke.
It must be noted that targeted ads are commonplace today. What do you think Google does with all the data? Facebook is sending ads just for you right now. All the spyware and trojans are just ways of collecting information.
There could be hurdles though - what if governments legislation to make facial recognition an opt in service? Oh, by the way, turn off that location finder on your mobile phone. It is not there to help you! Soon Coca-Cola will be putting drink machines only in hot areas of buildings. Heat and higher sales go together.
Technology by Ty Buchanan