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A Cane-Toad Fence Will Not Happen

It has been a put forward that Australia should build a cane toad-proof fence across Australia. The rabbit-proof fence was a long term failure, largely because investment was not large enough for maintenance. States where the toad pest is already in plague proportions will no put in one cent.
All fences put up to control kangaroos, dingoes, feral cats and wild dogs have failed in the long term. Animals are smart and they find ways of getting though when bad weather damages part of a fence line or animals damage the fence themselves.

The problem is if fences are put up to stop cane toads getting to life saving water then all other animals are kept out as well. Toads need water. We all know that, but other animals also need water to survive.

Basically, the only state with any areas free of can toads is Western Australia. Can we expect all the other states to give funding for this? Of course we cannot. With all states cutting expenditure on health, education and roads: there isn't any part of the pie left over.

Some scientists talk nonsense. In regard to stopping cane toads breeding in dams they say, "If we can take those areas away we can stop them re-invading or even push cane toad numbers back in a lot of areas." It is simple. Just put up fences to keep all the animals out and nothing will survive.
✴ Technology by Ty Buchanan ✴
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