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The American Chaco People were Matriarchal

| ▶ Chaco people had female rulers. | stories news chaco. | ◀ |
American civilizations believed that kings and Queens were different from the ordinary person.  The Chaco who ruled from 800 to 1130, passed royal genes down through the female line.  DNA evidence from bodied found in graves, highlights this practise. | ▶ American Chaco People Matriarchal | stories news. | ◀ |
Chaco civilzation
Fourteen skeletons were of elite females and had elaborate burials.  Shell pendants and beads were found in their grave sites, together with conch and abalone shells.  Turquoise was in abundance.  The people certainly thought a lot of royalty.   | ▶ Chaco in People on Matriarchal | australian ◀ |    

All of the nine skeletal remains tested had the same matriarchal mitochondrial genomes.  The genetic code goes through the female lineage from mother to daughter.  It was a clearly a female dynasty.  This does not mean that males did not control society.  It means that the head of state was a female - for most of the time.  It was possible that sons of these women also led the nation but could not pass legitimacy on to their offspring. | ▶ | not. | ◀     | ▶ american en Chaco up People or matriarchal.
  ▶ rulers | travel news stories | ◀ |
◆ Archeology 
Tys Outback
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| ▶ rulers ◀ | American of photos articles blog |

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