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Work for the Dole is Financially Uneconomic

 ▶ Work at op shops is a stupid way to get the dole. | work on the dole financially + uneconomic + unemployment + ces + government + benefits | stories news. ◀ |
Australian conservatives keep flogging their dead horse - blaming the unemployed for lack of jobs. The government should be creating more employment, not making job seekers waste their time showing up at the Salvation Army and St Vincent de Paul Society to play cricket in the yard. This is what they do all day.   ||| me ces no benefits work as dole eh financially en uneconomic do unemployment of ces if government go benefits |
Work for the dole
If the right wingers had their way they would ban unions and pay poverty wages to make more millionaire businessmen like Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull. Ironically, the PM got rich by fortuitously buying Ozimail shares when they were at a rock-bottom price. Those who have made millions in business are not skillful. They are arrogant, walking all over ordinary people - raping, plundering and destroying like Alan Bond did as they go along their greedy way.   ||| ox unemployment at ces get benefits from government work ha dole hi financially ho uneconomic la unemployment my government on job | australia |    

Only 2 percent of those who participate in the scheme gain placements. Statistics show this could be more from luck than any skills learned. Non-profit organizations say the money spent on working for the benefit is a misuse of financial resources. Put it back into teaching them real skills. They don't learn anything getting under the feet of genuine, usually elderly, volunteers. | | ox unemployment at ces get benefits from government not an work or dole at financially it uneconomic to unemployment um ces un government up benefits. | |   
  ▶ work for dole go financially and uneconomic or political work-for-the-dole |travel stories | ◀ |

For every position advertised, there are more than six applicants. It is much higher in South Australia and Tasmania, nine and ten respectively. Political bias prevails in this country. Center Liberals are controlled by the right. The Party should be called the Australian Conservative Party. It is not center at all.  
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| yo job work for dole on financially and uneconomic work-for-the-dole | news blog | centrelink complete skills age include approved activity experience apply meet time call seekers payment activities service volunteering training undertake hours year income view employers previous give need find jobactive place requirement organisations allowance services build confidence provider show week receive months part aged presentation support date community information current annual close years the when that these where undertake whatever therefore years close annual current information community date support presentation aged part months receive week show provider confidence build services allowance organisations requirement place jobactive find need give previous employers view income year hours undertake training volunteering service activities payment seekers call time meet apply experience activity approved include age skills complete centrelink |
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