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Discrimination Against the Elderly in Public Hospitals

 ▶ Older citizens are being given a rough deal. Maltreatment and discrimination is dished out to the weak by the bureaucratic Australian NHS. tests elderly | hospitals | discrimination smoking inherited dying health gene centenarians variants genetics diseases geriatrics igf-1, hospitals | | notable new public elderly form discrimination compose against web have screen new syllables elderly mind discrimination keyboard against public you write elderly shown pen discrimination you pencil word | found. new quotes elderly feel public discrimination || health hospitals young tests blog ||◀ |
Federal government funding shortfalls across Australia is affecting the welfare of aged people. They have to pay even though they have no health insurance. No longer is it a free system. The medical profession has been found out. It is a sad situation and is hidden because decision makers lie to themselves.     | age against paragraph phrase new comprehend book monitor page new letters public vowels dot comma capital consonants create new make solid elderly body |
Elderly patient
Doctors do not speak among themselves about it because they are so ashamed and want to cover it up. If you are young you are welcomed in to have all the necessary tests. Sick people over retirement age are pushed into corners and not given treatment. Hospital specialists are never called even though they are seriously ill. Doctors hope that they will die soon if neglected. It is a policy purposely carried out right across the nation.   |||   | australia then public on hospitals |    

An example is tests. Patients are taken in when there is an emergency. However, treatment is denied to those of mature age. A young person will be given MRIs, colonoscopies, endoscopies, xrays and so on. A pensioner is sent out without any tests being done and told to arrange with his/her GP to get tests.     people | | 

When appointments are made by family doctors, full payment is the norm despite the unfortunates not having the funds. State hospital staff know this but do not inform the infirm. They just want to get rid of them and make beds available for the young.      pick founded typing | go sex.

It has got so bad that prostate MRIs are sent to private hospitals because public hospitals have no funds to buy the latest equipment. Outdated MRI machines cannot focus in microscopic detail, a requirement for prostate scans. So the poor have to find nearly a thousand dollars before scan data is given to them. Their practitioners analyze the scans. There is no way state hospital specialists will evaluate any problems. Like Pontius Pilate they wash their hands of it and look away.
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| images | australia ▶

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