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Australia's NBN Investment is an Absolute Failure

Australia's attempt at a fast broadband network has failed. NBN is absolute negative investment. broadband copper ◘1 nbn up we australia's at am it aged australia's news australia's an ◘1
Australia's National Broadband Network (NBN) is a failure. Well, I did tell the government that before they put capital into it. Like all politicians they think they know best, when many have never held down a "proper" job. It was obvious that new tech would make the old obsolete.  ◙2 nbn absolute a failure australia's ok investment to or ◙2
The Liberal Government f..... it up. It was they who chose to use the old copper: a network constructed more than a century ago. It is now that Labor can hold its head high and tell everyone we were putting fibre to the house when the policy road was changed - even though it became a waste of taxpayer funds. ⦿3 investment failure up to absolute investment ⦿3

Telstra lies to us. ADSL is now called ADSL2. This is blatant misrepresentation in advertising and the ACCC should take it up. It is doing nothing. In post-outs Telstra threatens users with disconnection if they do not sign up to broadband (even when they stay on ADSL2). More sign-ups mean more money from the state for Telstra. The telco lies in its circular by stating that the copper network will be closed down: the truth is the ancient copper is being used from the node to the home.  ⧗ absolute sex failure or ⧗ 

Rural people are refusing to connect to the NBN via satellite because when they do they will lose their landline phone and be left with patchy mobile phone connections. Even in major cities, many customers on the far end of the copper from the node get slower speed than the genuine ADSL2 they had before.
labor's billion rollout project estimate year nbn's mtm fibre-to-the-node turnbull malcolm need expensive fibre-to-the-premises taxpayers doubt connection business expected proving extra coalition's target turnbull's manning paddy politics interest built quagmire politicised turning nation-building thought staff starting return improving sold finished copper-based upgraded hfc speeds deliver planned optus leak difficult defensible technologies require component latest mix cent upper costs blown internal completed revenue reasons areas discipline market lacked criticism substantial one-off build deal chief minutes good over-budget schedule change originally version minister communications debate earlier sooner cheaper document leaked ∎4 ∎5 leaked document cheaper sooner earlier debate communications minister version originally change schedule over-budget stands good minutes chief deal build one-off substantial criticism lacked market discipline areas reasons revenue completed internal blown costs upper cent mix latest component require technologies defensible difficult leak optus planned deliver speeds hfc upgraded copper-based finished sold improving return starting staff thought nation-building turning politicised quagmire built interest politics paddy manning turnbull's target coalition's extra proving expected business connection doubt taxpayers fibre-to-the-premises expensive need malcolm turnbull fibre-to-the-node labor mtm nbn's year estimate project rollout cost billion labor's || government || ∎5
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