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Mercury From Northern Hemisphere Pollutes Australia

Mercury pollutes both the northern and southern hemisphere. The Australian tropical zone is polluted. ◘1 northern up we mercury at am it aged mercury news mercury an northern ◘1
Australia is getting mercury pollution from the northern hemisphere. Most of the deadly metal stays in the air over the top half of the planet. However, in the south most of it settles over the Australian tropics.  ◙2 northern pollutes a mercury ok hemisphere to or northern australian ◙2
Mercury pollution
Damage to the environment from quicksilver began with large scale mining, particularly gold. Now levels in the ocean are six times higher than before industrialization. Stopping all emissions of the substance today would cut the present level by half: then it would stay there. ⦿3 hemisphere up to pollutes hemisphere ⦿3

Contaminated Fish consumed by people is poisonous and damages the body.  The peripheral and nervous systems are mainly affected. Though, contamination can occur by breathing it in. Then is can destroy digestive and immune functions.  ⧗ pollutes sex australia or ⧗ 

Children suffer greatly with exposure to only small amounts of the metal. Toxicity occurs in babies while in the womb. It diminishes cognitive sensitivity causing attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder.  The malady affects 10 percent of US children.
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Once upon a jack and jill environment ∎5 treaty release chemistry natural countries risks small-scale millions water nations measuring years measurements indonesia seasonal blowing continent information play physics wind point source moves site arriving modified benefit donation reduce residents power plant flickr russell hamilton interesting mixing applies understand surprise report effect asia sydney wales melbourne victoria coordinator china role community friends company charter team audience funders contributing institutions pitching writing masterclass contact work resource corrections energy series jenny fisher science peter nelson arts dean grant edwards problem human sources land spikes models darwin amount fires observed data impacts sign article chemical barrier comments need impact education jobs job policy funding united released dry year ecosystems minamata coal equator time atmosphere lecturer senior events partners media macquarie wet atmospheric howard convention newsletter read north days health university global research conversation season || || ∎5
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