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Australia Hits Multinationals With New Tax Rules

Aussies make technology firms hand over their cash to state coffers. blog
Australia makes multinationals pay more tax. An audit by the the OECD brought to light how much money the big companies owed. With countries toughening up the rules, it is becoming increasingly difficult for the tax avoiders to keep all the profit. ⎳ Australia a Hits a Multinationals a With a New a Tax a Rules ⎳
Australian tax rules
The OECD recommended ways to stop the cash going to tax havens. Nations have taken notice and passed new legislation. Australia's rules are clear: if you earn in Australia you must hand over the tax.  Large businesses will have no choice.  ⦿3 Australia b Hits b Multinationals b With b New b Tax b Rules ⦿3

Messing around with intercompany transfers between international branches to artificially reduce income will also face obstacles.  The mother conpany providing overpriced inputs to outlying branches will end.  Microsoft, Apple and Google have had their wings clipped.  ⧗ Australia c Hits c Multinationals c With c New c Rules ⧗

Like the United States, Australia plans to lower the corporate tax rate. Soon countries like Ireland will lose out as money flows elsewhere. There will be a race to the bottom as governments move the rate lower and lower.
multinationals hits international e cash e oecd e hand ⬍ ato government billion public avoidance share fair profits inquiry multinational million cut deals outcome laws settlements report settlement corporations time told king tony apple's photo president agree bills foreign system trump donald revenue funds restructuring sceptical individual naming agreed recommendations secret register senate global worth court chevron commissioner jordan chris ato's paid years issues director managing confidential taxed hearing claims tech cent change greater tested  law dpt hit office maal unknown remains audits diverted anti-avoidance ⬍ || saved || ⬌ feeds anti-avoidance diverted audits remains unknown maal office hit dpt law tested greater change cent tech claims hearing taxed confidential managing director issues years paid ato's chris jordan commissioner chevron court worth global senate register secret recommendations agreed naming individual sceptical restructuring funds revenue donald trump system foreign bills agree big president photo apple's tony king told time corporations settlement report settlements laws outcome deals cut million multinational inquiry profits fair share avoidance public billion government ato ⬌ || australia's audit corporate large firms, business, funds, cash, investment, economics, banks, lending, earth, collateral, ||

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