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Poor Wage Management by Coalition Government Over Last Five Years

Since the Liberal-National Coalition has been in government it has followed the same policy as Germany and France. That is: keep wages low and restrict welfare. But of course, This reduces spending and puts a brake on the economy. Wealthy businesses benefit from lower wage costs. Two thirds of the population suffer while the top third get rich.

The economy of Australia has been stagnant for the last five years compared to other countries. For three consecutive quarters GDP per capita has fallen. Construction is in decline. As the wealthy have become richer they have hoarded their money. They have spent the same each year for the last seven years. Australians generally have become poorer while company have made great profits. Furthermore, the government has brought in laws that stops unionists going on strike. There are massive fines for the unions if they do.

Household disposable income has fallen by 0.8 per cent over the last twelve months. Australian disposable income has been lower than the average for the OECD since 2014. Labor did the right thing by spending during the GFC. We were doing well. There can only be one conclusion: The Coalition are poor managers of the economy. Higher wages are needed. The government cares more about company profits than ordinary people.

Vista Computer Answers

Record For Australia With Lowest Wage Rises For Workers B Prime Minister Scott Morrison maintained Abbott Government abysmal wage record. The latest official wage growth figures show Australian workers still missing share.. THE WAGES SLUMP Abbott Government plunged Australia back 201 now firmly entrenched. More five years first failed budget disgraced former Coalition Treasurer, Joe Hockey, workers’ wages increasing lowest rates records have been kept. It unlikely there been worse period Australia’s history workers receiving fair share nation’s vast wealth. This dismal news emerged quarterly wages figures released Australian Bureau Statistics (ABS) last Wednesday. The increase wages workforce le 2.41% year end June*. With inflation year 1.59%, real increase 0.82% workers across nation, both private government jobs. We know company reports high-income executive salaries soaring corporations generating record profits. So senior academic professional salaries. This means many low-paid workers, probably majority, have received either rise have seen their wages decline real terms.

A figure caption reading pleasure Historical lows The financial year 30 June ended fifth consecutive year wages have risen less 2.5%. This never happened 201 Election. Not once. Let alone five times row. The average wage increase 1 years we have ABS records 201 change government, 3.56%. The rise Coalition’s transition year, 2013-14, 2.6%. That lowest record time. It been every year since.average last five Coalition financial years 2.15%. Privategovernment The wages rise last financial year 2.66% government employees, 2.27% private sector. This confirms corporations now free pretty much whatever they want regard either workers’ wellbeing health economy. Sally McManus ✔ @sallymcmanus The IPA instruction Coalition abolish workers rights Fair Work Act according their latest list. That everything leave entitlements minimum wages. They believe employers should make decisions & should have work rights.

There significant difference public wage increases Labor Coalition states.five states territories Labor governments averaged wage growth 2.48%. These Victoria, impressive 3.7% lift, Queensland, Western Australia, Northern Territory ACT.three Coalition states, New South Wales, South Australia Tasmania, increased public sector wages average 1.77% — close zero inflation. Global comparisons data wage growth 30 developed countries, current March June year .average rise allowing inflation 2.27%. Australia’s puny 0.82% ranks dismal 21st 30 countries. Down bottom third. Ireland, Cyprus Poland 2%.USA, Spain Portugal 3.5%. Estonia Hungary 5%. All economies enjoying stronger annual GDP growth Australia have lower jobless rates. Australia unemployment rate now worst developed world heading wrong direction. Talk way #ScuMo #Liberals #auspol Unemployment figures likely force interest rate cent year utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Facebook#Echobox=15605098 … @smh Unemployment figures likely force interest rate cent year Australia unemployment rate now worst developed world heading wrong direction. Confirmation OECD The gloomy message Trading Economics bolstered authorities.Organisation Economic Cooperation Development (OECD) club 3 developed mixed capitalist economies. Every two three years, OECD issues detailed analysis advances – retreats – major developed countries making critical social issues. Titled Society Glance, includes graph showing rankings member countries household income. The 201 edition shows rankings 201 Australia seventh place [See chart below].

previous edition showed Australia’s ranking 201 fourth place, behind Norway, Switzerland Luxembourg. Clearly, Australia tumbling ladder, virtually rankings reflect sound economic management welfare citizens. We must wait another year two ranking 201 2019. Given last week’s ABS data, almost certainly well seventh. Why happening Australia? There excuse Australia lagging rest developed world badly. This not good working families. It not good economy. It not good Australia’s future. There rational economic argument keeping workers’ wages depressed current global expansion investment, growth, jobs profits. Australia’s export trade booming iron ore, gold wool five ten year high prices. Volumes many commodities now near all-time surplus now almost four times highest level reached previous government extraordinary $8.0 billion! This time workers should earning fair share nation’s vast wealth investing homes now superannuation future.nation should investing quality life citizens now – especially doing tough – infrastructure future. It seems rich foreign controllers Coalition parties have decided grasp much they they hell Australian people. Because eventually, surely, day, citizens must wake going call halt. Newstart, unions, neoliberalism, Coalition, unemployment, inequality, OECD, poverty, jobless, GDP inflation,, workers, wage rise, low wages, Morrison Government, Tony Abbott, Josh Frydenberg, Joe Hockey, trickle-down economics,

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