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Fossil Indicates Denisovans Had Fingers Similar To Human

Denisovans were similar to humans. A finger bone has been found that is human-like. Neanderthals had quite different fingers than Homo sapiens. Only five fossils remain of Denisovans a little finger, a mandible and three molars. Despite artistic depictions of the hominid it is not know what they looked like.

Denisovans were much further ahead in their development than Neanderthals. It seems that Denisovans and humans followed a similar evolutionary path, while Neanderthals became large animal hunters and developed muscular bodies. Neanderthal could have taken on dangerous animals and survive while humans would succumb.

Though Denisovans branched off from Neanderthals, just why they became more like humans is not known. Maybe common habitats make for creatures of the same ilk. There is evidence that the three types of apes interbred. This is a mystery in itself because the missing Y Chromosome would make fertile progeny impossible. What many scientists do not take into account is that Neanderthals and humans had a common ancestor, so some genes would be the same.
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E.A. Bennett et al. Morphology of the Denisovan phalanx closer to modern humans than to NeanderthalsScience Advances. Published September 4, 2019. doi:10.1126/sciadv.aaw3950.

Finger Denisovans human fingers fossil shows. anthropology Replica proximal, middle, segment Denisovan finger bone. (Image: Thilo Parg/Wikimedia) Very little known Denisovans — mysterious group hominins lived alongside early humans Neanderthals last Ice Age. New research revealed Denisovan finger bone that’s unexpectedly human-like shape — odd observation, given close relation Denisovans Neanderthals, se fingers differed quite bit ours. To date, five skeletal fossils known Denisovans: three molars, mandible, tip pinky finger. That’s not much go by, 50,000-year-old finger bone — discovered 1 years ago Siberia’s Denisova Cave — yielded critically important genetic information. Still, five fossils, even combined genetic data, have done little tell us Denisovans actually looked like. A new study published today Science Advances first provide comprehensive physical analysis Denisovan pinky bone fragment. The research, led E. Andrew Bennett Paris Diderot University, revealed finger that’s closer shape anatomically modern humans (Homo sapiens) Neanderthals — surprise, given closely related Denisovans Neanderthals. Fascinatingly, finding doesn’t mean modern humans looked Denisovans. Rather, suggests Neanderthals, their unusually broad fingers, had ventured unique evolutionary path, developing their own distinctive set physical characteristics. This story begins around 800,000 years ago, modern humans Neanderthals diverged unknown common ancestor. Some 400,000 years later, split occurred European Neanderthals, producing Denisovans. After split, Denisovans lived Asia hundreds thousands years. Genetic evidence suggests modern humans interbred Denisovans (and Neanderthals), Neanderthals interbred Denisovans. Even today, humans east Asia Melanesia still have traces Denisovan genes their DNA. That Denisovans even existed became clear 2010, following genetic analysis pinky finger study provides deeper analysis fossil—the skeletal remnant we have Denisovans not head jaw. Sadly, lone pinky finger bone not own complications. After discovery, bone split half sent two different labs analysis. Regrettably, photographs finger bone, were taken Russian scientific team prior cutting, were lost. Hard believe, scientists don’t have photographic evidence bone prior being split two. That’s awful enough, story gets even worse. After cutting, bottom half finger (the smaller proximal part) sent Max Planck Institute Evolutionary Anthropology Germany genetic analysis. In 2009, top half finger (the tip distal part) sent University Berkeley, year later sent Institut Jacques Monod France, measured, photographed genetically analysed.fragment sent back Berkeley 2011, went missing. “We not know currently,” Bence Viola, co-author new study assistant professor Department Anthropology University Toronto, told Gizmodo. Yes, read correctly: One important fossils discovered recent memory missing. Thankfully, genetic information taken both pieces still exists, photographs missing tip, allowing virtual reconstruction. Front back views virtually reconstructed Denisovan finger fragment. (Image: E. A. Bennett et al., 2019/Science Advances) “We used ancient DNA analysis look [the] mitochondrial genome [of distal portion],” explained Viola email Gizmodo. This done confirm genetic match two pieces perform more genetic tests. “We reconstructed finger photographs distal (tip) part micro computed tomography scans proximal (joint) part. We then used measurements taken original parts reconstruction compare finger bones,” Neanderthals humans, both Pleistocene-era modern, across various stages physical development. The analysis showed pinky finger belonged adolescent Denisovan female around 13. years old she died. And new study shows, her finger strikingly similar modern humans. “I quite surprised,” Viola said. “I always expected end finger look rather Neanderthal-like. Neanderthals had relatively ‘chubby’ fingers compared [ours], bone fingernails — so-called apical tuft — relatively broad round, [modern humans] part more elongated, narrow oval.” Pinky finger bones belonging Neanderthal (left), modern human (centre), Denisovan (right). (Image: E. A. Bennett et al., 2019/Science Advances) Bennett surprised observation. “Given molars Denisovans characterised more archaic features, not expected find Denisovan bone looks modern human ,” Bennett told Gizmodo. “Combined we know teeth, shows skeletons Denisovans had both archaic more ‘modern’ features. However, important note here, given relationships three populations, appears Neandertal fingertips actually derived morphologies.” By derived, Bennett saying modern humans Denisovans obtained retained their fingers shared common ancestor. Neanderthals, hand, obtained their fingers same common ancestor, did not retain shape time; they went evolve their own distinctive fingers, consequence unique environmental lifestyle pressures. Interestingly, new research means we have better sense distinctive Neanderthal fingers appeared — namely, split Neanderthals Denisovans. “In many aspects Neanderthals weird.” Importantly, finding doesn’t mean Denisovans more related us Neanderthals. “It rather highlights fact not everything we observe extant [living] humans ‘modern’ ‘evolved,’” Jean-Jacques Hublin, director Department Human Evolution Max Planck Institute Evolutionary Anthropology, told Gizmodo. “Independently, Neanderthals evolved their own peculiar pattern widened puffy end-phalanx. In many aspects Neanderthals weird,” said Hublin, wasn’t involved new research. Sadly, new work still doesn’t really tell us Denisovans looked like. Viola said would “dangerous speculation” reconstruct entire Denisovan body few teeth, lone jaw bone pinky finger. That said, “we see [Denisovan] teeth, much larger robust we see modern humans, Neanderthals,” he said. Another major implication study means archaeologists trying discern fossilised remains Neanderthals, Denisovans, early modern humans. As Bennett explained, fossil appears modern human, example, doesn’t mean that’s actually case. “It’s clear now [archaeologists] can’t watch archaic-looking bones, bones [that appear] more modern,” Bennett told Gizmodo. “Eventually, bones may discovered Denisovan-specific features, it’s likely many bones, phalanx, we need genetics methods identify them.” Katerina Douka, anthropologist Max Planck Institute Science Human History, described new paper “an important study” securely identifies two bone fragments belonging same individual. Douka, wasn’t affiliated new research, thought notable authors were able specify age female individual died, “assuming same developmental stages both modern humans Denisovans,” she said. But biggest surprise fact finger bone “appears gracile [thin slender] falls closer range variation modern human distal phalanxes opposed Neanderthals.” Douka said study presents interesting possibilities regards anatomical variations Denisovan body. “related fact individual female teenager, hence more gracile, there functional reasons difference something we cannot answer small sample size,” she said. Indeed, archaeologists working painfully little archaeological data. But each study brings us closer truth — even it’s bit pinky finger time. denisovans, finger, human-like, fossil, analysis, neanderthals, homo, sapiens, genes, dna, y, chromosome,

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