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Showing posts with the label blue

New Clam in Australia

There are many kinds of clams, some of them very large. The bigger ones are classified as "giant" clams. All were thought to be known. However, a new species has been identified. Examples were found at Ningaloo in Western Australia and near the Solomon Islands. The reason it has been overlooked for so long is because it is very similar to Tridacna maxim a , which is quite common. There are a plethora of colors including yellow, green, brown and blues. They are in many different shades of these main colors. Clams produce large amounts of edible meat for human consumption. Their shells are also valuable for displays. Many species are under threat. They cannot run away and hide from divers and snorkelers. Two similar species in the same region means numbers for each are lower than first thought. Conservation by Ty Buchanan

Cow at Trough

"Good of Humans to provide food in these special containers." . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Funny Animal Photos Vista Computer Solutions Blog ------- Australian Blog -------

Black Tulips and Blue Roses - All Is Possible

The black tulip will soon be a reality. Development of a blue rose has nearly be achieved. A new rose that is "nearly" blue is soon to be released onto the Japanese market. The asking price - a quite low $30 each. There is no blue pigment in a rose, so it is impossible for a natural rose to display this color. The tone has to be put into the plant. It has been done by genetically splicing color into the rose from Petunias. This flower has a blue pigment called Delphinidin. The combined project by both Japanese and Australians has taken twenty years to create the "blue" rose. American nurseryman Samuel Parsons said as long ago as the 19th century that one day scientific advances would lead to the cultivation of a blue rose. Attempts have been made in the 20th century. A blue-grey rose was bred, but it flowered only once. For many years roses dyed blue have sold well in England. Unfortunately, horticultural advisor to the Royal Horticultural society, Helen Bostock, be

Cat a Lot

"Wow! Is that all for me?" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Funny Animal Photos

Hot Dog

"Gawd. It's hot in 'ere." . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Funny Animal Photos

Kitten Sleeps

"Stop laughing. I can't sleep. " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Funny Animal Photos

Wild Cat

"Be afraid. Be very afraid!" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Funny Animal Photos

Globe Foals

"It wasn't there last night." . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Funny Animal Photos

Cat Hide

"You can't see me now" ~~~~~ Funny Animal Photos ~~~~~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Not Being Able to Do Your Job Well Can Lead to Early Death

Not being able to do your job properly can kill you, or at least make you very ill. In Finland workers were interviewed to ascertain their perception of how well they can do their jobs. The study began in 1981 with 5971, 44-58 years old employees being evaluated. By 2009, 1918 of them had died. It was found that perceived work ability did indeed predict health problems as workers aged. Most troubling was the propensity for death among these subjects, particularly the blue-collar group. Indications are that such jobs have a high degree of manual labor involved. Being locked in with the danger of having to find even harder physical work with the loss of one's job inevitably led to more worry. On the other hand, not being able to do a job well could indicate underlying health problems that affected worker's abilities when they are in their forties.