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Showing posts with the label genetics

The World's Rice Originated in Australia

Rice came from Asia, more specifically China, right? You would be wrong. Genetic tests on rice grown today show it come from northern Australia. It was clean, uncontaminated and has been pinned down to Cape York in Queensland. Originally, it was growing wild in the tropics, an unusal place for rice as we associate it with wet conditions all year round. The real question is how did it get to Asia? Obviously, people from Asia came to Australia and took it home. The Middle East is the cradle of Mankind. For rice it is Australia. Wild rice growing there today is more genetically diverse than anywhere else in the world. Asian domestic and wild rice is inbred. Australian rice is wild. It grows there today unchanged by human intervention. This took place 7,000 years ago. Australian rice will be the basis of research to improve world food production. It holds the genetic keys to open the door very wide indeed. Modern rice varieties are just little sparks from the fire

Our Genes Hold the Key to History

History is based on artifacts with huge gaps in the timeline. Academics fill in the spaces and tell us that this is absolute truth. Of course, we are not stupid : we know that much of what happened in the past will never be found. However, real history is in our genes. The "modern" world has only been here for a couple of centuries. we have not changed much from our ancestors when they came out of Africa perhaps 90,000 years ago. Sure, many of us have become paler than those who remained in Africa. Some genes coincidentally related to this have become more prominent in Europeans and Asians. The ability to more easily digest dairy products in an example of related genes. By tracing these genes the human mixing process has become clearer. Times of conflict increase the mixing process. Tough times in medieval Europe and the Crusades in north Africa were such eras. A reverse mix occurred when north Africans moved into Spain. It has come to light that immigrat

Australia's Exports of Genetic Material is Growing

Animal genetics in Australia is going strong. Exports of genetic material is growing particularly in Columbia, Chile and Mexico. The world generally is its oyster.  Semen is the primary export product. Chile imports bovine semen while sheep and goat semen is purchased by Columbia. Latin America is the main market. Australia has a way to go to reach the U.S. and Canada. However, it is quickly catching up. The quality of Australian beef is high and breeds suit the climate of South America. Sheep and goats are highly regarded. Surprisingly, even canine semen is exported to SA. Embryos are also sent there. ◆ Genetics by Ty Buchanan   ◆ Adventure Australia Funny Animal Photos Funny Weird Things Articles News Reviews ● Vista Computer Solutions Blog                Australian Blog   ★   Adventure Australia ALL BLOG ARTICLES · ──► ( BLOG HOME PAGE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . gene

Accurate Data on Autism is Required

The number of autism cases is increasing. It is largely due to new diagnostic processes. This masks the real situation, so it is not knows what the actual increase is. It appears that many people who are now teenagers were overlooked and do have autism. Very old data are the basis of case numbers. One in 5,000 of United States citizens suffered from the ailment in 1975. These data are far too old to be meaningful. A survey in 2002 showed one in 500 were autistic. Such a disparity means an accurate investigation must be done. It jumped to one in 68 in 2012. This is absurd! Sure, reclassification has affected the results but knowing what is really happening is paramount. Because nearly all of those with autism are supported by welfare, government needs to know actual numbers. Oddly, Penn State University in the US found no increase in attendance at special schools. Where are these people going? Are they living a life of isolation? On closer examination is seems that they a

Female-Only Epilepsy

Many children have a form of epilepsy that is genetic, handed down from a parent. Female-only epileptic syndrome is a case in point. It is rare but it remains a debilitating problem.  At birth babies seem to be normal, but in a few months they begin having seizures. e Australian scientists have pinned down the genetic mutation responsible for its expression. Professor Gecz says that the 19 (PCDH19) gene is the mutation triggering the ailment. Females have two X chromosome which determines their sex. This duality of X triggers epilepsy in girls. The main issue with female-only epilepsy is that it causes intellectual disability because seizures cause damage. A deficiency of the allopregnanolone hormone is the main factor in the onset of the ailment. This is an effect caused by the genetic disposition. When the hormone is brought back into balance at puberty permanent damage has already been done. The research continues.   ♣ ◆   Economics by Ty Buchana n   ◆ Adve

Vitamin Gene Treatment for Migraine

Queensland University of Technology plans to use genetic modifiers in vitamins as a treatment for migraine. This is problematic as health professionals do not really know what migraine is. Botox injections to the forehead has been used successfully to relieve the pain to date. It is quite a "quacky" area of medicine. About the only main factor about it is that it causes a feeling of nausea along with the pain and an aversion to light. India is the test ground for the gene treatment. A migraine marker in the Parsi population is the target. If vitamins are useful per se , why is the ailment common in the West where we take too many of them? As a child and adolescent I suffered from it. In my opinion it was brought on when the eyes were overworked. Reading small text was a no no for me. As I grew older it faded and I can say I have not had a migraine for 20 years.  Have I changed my diet or vitamin intake - not really. Just how scientists make the link betwe

Frankenstein Genetically Modified Organisms

The possibility of scientists creating a Frankenstein monster in genetic experiments is real. It could happen. Something that runs roughshod over human chemical barriers can be given life. The reality of genetically modified crops "contaminating" adjacent farms and ridiculous monetary claims by Monsanto are common. Everything living does affect everything else. There are no hard barriers keeping them in. A great frontier is wide open to them. An "off-switch" is badly needed. Modified insects to fight pests and disease have already been released. There is a way to reduce the danger. Create a genetic code that is able to force a genetically modified organism to commit suicide. This works for insects but not so well for GM bacteria. Denying bacteria an essential element is problematic. There are two ways to destroy such bacteria. The first involves the creation of a synthetic extra amino acid in proteins. GM bacteria are created that need this 2

Build Up Muscle if You are Scrawny

If you want a strong athletic body take steroids and growth hormones. It is understandable that people do this. The problem is that individual athletic types are born with a genetic predilection to produce high levels of natural growth substances. Those who deem themselves to be unlucky in this department obviously feel miffed. No need to look at the legs they don't change much! Intensive exercising does produce muscle mass, largely because tissue builds up and becomes thicker with more daily work. What is not widely known is that it takes little more than six weeks for a body builder to become average again if he stops exercising completely. If you are naturally "scrawny" exercise will still bulk your body up. There is a cost though and that is time and pain. I ntensive exercise is painful, certainly more so than sitting in a lounge chair in front of the TV. Apart from the initial surge in weight loss due to diminishing stores of fat and narrowing

Spicy Food Stimulates the Same Endorphin Centers as Alcohol

It is well known that alcohol increases one's desire for spicy snacks. The personal drive not to eat is also weakened. This is why it is widely acceptable to head for the local curry shop after a drinking session. It is believed that the two drives support each other. Those who like spicy food when they are sober tend to be heavy drinkers of alcohol. Both spicy food and alcohol stimulate the same centers in the brain. There is hope: spice lovers respond better to medication that reduces alcohol dependency. It is all to do with the feel-good chemicals put out by the brain when stimulated. More endorphins are released by both substances. Because many people do not experience raised endorphins when consuming alcohol, drugs that lessens this affect do not work to stop alcohol consumption in them. It was found that making "alcohol endorphin high" mice eat spicy food before offering them alcohol stopped them drinking as they were already getting the spicy high. Appar