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Kitten Walks

"Just out for a walk." . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Funny Animal Photos

Atheists Are Bad Citizens

Atheists are bad people. New findings show religious people contribute more to the community than non-believers. Apparently those who have no faith just get on with their lives caring only for themselves. But there is a saying " all of my best friends are atheists. " They could be friendly. However, they have little drive to help society in a general sense. Considering religious citizens believe in the writings of books that "command" believers to help others this finding is hardly surprising. Saying that such people are "nicer" though is too simplistic. Moreover, a fellow soldier who does not believe is just as likely to take a risk to save you in a battle as a religious person. Atheists also give less to charity. Considering most charities are religious institutions, this is to be expected as well. Is the behavior of believers really altruistic? They are trying to get into heaven after all. Belief is a fickle thing. Even atheists have faith. ...

Washing Cat

"The chores are never done." . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Funny Animal Photos

Culling of Camels in Australia's Outback Is Misplaced

Where there's money to be gained someone will jump in. This is now the case for camels in Australia. Plans are being made to kill the animals in exchange for carbon credits. It is claimed that their flatulence is polluting the atmosphere. Northwest Carbon apparently believes it owns the camels or has the sole right to cull them. The Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency first suggested taking such action. Apparently, one camel produces a ton of carbon dioxide each year. This is an exaggeration. Culling camels has nothing to do with reducing Australia's carbon footprint. It is just a money-making exercise. Admittedly camels are feral. They were introduced into Australia in the 19th century because they were ideal for moving goods about in the dry outback. But their metabolism is higher than cattle and their pollution level is low.

Dog Lips

"Taking me for plastic surgery master was a mistake." . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Funny Animal Photos

Kelp Can Be Used to Make Biofuel

Biofuel can just be picked up as you go for a walk. Yes, and there's plenty of it. It's plain old kelp, particularly the Laminaria digitata type which grows along the coast of Wales. The plant's carbohydrate level peaks in July. A high level of carbohydrate is needed to produce more ethanol. There is so much kelp in the world lying around beaches. It would be rational to use this resource because little of it is used for human consumption. The plant is very dense in its growth. Much more biomass per square meter is produced than with sugar cane or other ethanol crops. Using prime agricultural land to grow crops to produced ethanol directly affects the supply and price of food. The oceans have almost limitless resources waiting to be utilized. . . . . . ...

Squirrel Photographer

"Sure, I'll take a photo of you." . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Funny Animal Photos