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Squirrel Posers

"Quick pose.  There's a camera!"   ★   ✴  Funny Animal Photos by Ty Buchanan   ✴ Adventure Australia Funny Animal Photos Funny Weird Things Articles News Reviews . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Un-Accredited Chinese Herbalists to Work in Australia

The trade deal between Australia and China is off to a bad start. Australia becomes an open market for quack traditional Chinese medicine. China is already responsible for the demise of African animals because of superstitious beliefs about curative properties of ordinary parts of animal bodies. The trade deal between Australia and China is off to a bad start. Australia becomes an open market for quack traditional Chinese medicine. China is already responsible for the demise of African animals because of superstitious beliefs about curative properties of ordinary parts of animal bodies. Australia has not even policed homeopathy properly. Constituents are diluted into insignificance where they cannot possibly have any effect. They are harmless at best. Homeopaths live well on treatment based on a mythical foundation. Under the agreement between China and Australia Chinese herbalists will be allowed to register and set up shop in Australia without any accreditation. ...

High Five Cat

"That's a flyer, man.  High five!"   ★   ✴  Funny Animal Photos by Ty Buchanan   ✴ Adventure Australia Funny Animal Photos Funny Weird Things Articles News Reviews . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Measure Land Moisture by Satellite

No longer will Australian farmers waste their time working land that has no future. Satellite technology has improved to the point where moisture level of farmland can be determined. Waiting for rain that will make no difference is info that farmers can now 'bank' on. Measuring moisture level is now something done by computer, from aerial surveys. The labor-intensive, time-consuming chore is a thing of the past. Soil that has potential rejuvenation can be targetted. The cost is out of the reach of individual farmers at present but the price is falling. It is possible, if use of the new technology becomes widespread, that the output of certain crops can be estimated. Potential shortages will be foreseen and action taken in future plantings. When weather predictions are included the position of markets months ahead will be known. ✴ Technology by Ty Buchanan ✴ http://advent...

Shrek Movie Donkey

"Yeah, I auditioned for the Shrek movie."   ✿   ✴  Funny Animal Photos by Ty Buchanan   ✴ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Report Saying Little Gain from BDA Work on Sheep is Wrong

A group investigating Biotinylated dextran amine (BDA) genetic modification of sheep finds the pay-off for investment is poor.  It gives only benefit of $1.5 million for the period 2010 to 2013.  The return of only $0.45 for each dollar invested does pay for operating costs, it says. The Australian Wool Innovation body which carried out the research disputes this.  It says the consultancy has not done its job.  Indeed, the money paid to them was wasted.  The report said that MERINOSELECT did make a profit, but  overall the project ran at a loss to woolgrowers.  How can one sector be okay while the rest is rubbish? Professor Julius van der Werf of the Sheep CRC program said that the estimates were wrong.  The total gross genetic gain needs to be valued at ten times what the BDA group determined.  Tremendous gains lay in the future because genetic improvement is cumulative.  Net present value should be $6.4 M not $0.7M.  This...

Clint Monkey

"Go ahead.  Make my day!"   ✿   ✴  Funny Animal Photos by Ty Buchanan   ✴ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .