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Parasitic Tick Causes Allergy to Red Meat

Red meat allergy. Can insects affect what you eat?  They certainly can!  Ticks are causing severe allergy to red meat in people who are bitten.  The relationship between ticks and allergy was only discovered in 2007.    Parasitic ticks causes allergy to red meat. The malady is called tick-induced mammalian meat allergy (TIMMA). Symptoms will not occur immediately on consuming red meat.  It can take up to 10 hours for complications to show.  It is triggered by proteins in tick saliva. Aversion to red meat is not the only symptom.  Sufferers can become allergic to dairy products.    Red meat allergy caused by parasitic tick anaphylactic shock. People are mainly affected in the United States and Australia.  It seems that settled housing makes a good home for ticks.  However, the parasitic ticks host is semi-wild animals.  Peanut allergy is well known.  Though, in parts of Sydney allergy to red meat is a...

Australian Business Uses Cheap Thai Labor - Economics

Oz firms use cheap Thai labor. Businesses betray this country by moving offshore. It is amazing what they will say to justify such "job robbing" behavior. Executives even lie to themselves and never admit that the move is only to make more profit.   Aus Business Uses Cheap Thai Labor disease A case in point is the company Fibre King. This is a family business. Pat Boland, the joint managing director, says that the culture of Thailand is the reason to shift production there. This is absolute rot!                      cheap labor true instructive Interesting story love moral amorous short stories nice inspirational.   He is going to fly in engineers to oversee Thai factory workers. No doubt, the Thai employees will be treated like slaves as their low wages dictate. The company will use the tried and proven colonial ste system. Design and sales will be retained in Australia. This is 25 per cent of the w...

Do Not Use Genetic Testing for Alzheimer's, Herpes or Coeliac Disease!

Genetic testing should not be used for herpes, Alzheimer's or Coeliac disease. It seems that genetic testing is not all good for health problems. MedicineWise, a body of doctors and patients, has released an advisory list for scientists. DNA testing should no be used for coeliac disease, nor for herpes or Alzheimer's. Identifying a "causative" gene only indicates a probability. Indeed, screening for herpes in genetic testing for sexually transmitted disease is a misuse of resources.  Millions of dollars of government funding is wasted every year. A DNA finding is not a black and white issue. Gene determination is not 100 per cent. Many people with a "faulty" gene do live without ever getting the so called predetermined disease. Furthermore, patients can be falsely reassured by a DNA test. ◆ Chemistry by Ty Buchanan   ◆                Australian Blog   ★   Adventure Australia . . . . . . . . ...

Tanami Egg Not From the Night Parrot

Mystery egg of the Night Parrot in Tanami Desert? A mystery egg was found in the Tanami Desert of northern Australia 30 years ago. Many latched on to this specimen as being from the Night Parrot, thought to be extinct. DNA from the egg was compared to DNA of Night Parrot specimens in the Queensland Museum. The Brown Quail was found to be the "mother" of the Tanami egg. All hope was not lost, however. In 2013 the Night Parrot was found to be still with us. A small population was discovered living in Western Australia, far away from Queensland. Much has been leaned about the environmental requirements for the rare bird's survival. This shows that human hope is very strong. We will attribute links to things that are very weak. The egg does have unusual characteristics : it is sand white, not like the quail egg which is pale but speckled brown. It is pointed at one end though, typical of the quail. ◆ Ornithology by Ty Buchanan   ◆ Tys Country Amusing Animal Photos...

Vanuatu People a Shock to Anthropologists

Vanuatu ancestors were from Taiwan and the Philippines. A discovery has sent shock waves through anthropology. The ancestors of Vanuatuans were put in the pot of Pacific Islanders. People of this island do not look like Asians. However, DNA tests on the oldest skeletons found show that the island's first arrivals came from the Philippines and Taiwan only 3,000 years ago. It seems that Australian Aboriginals and New Guineans were not keen to venture out onto the high sea, though Pacific islands were much closer to them than it was for Southeast Asians. Scientists say Papuans moved their later to produce the modern Vanuatuan gene pool. There is a problem here. Combining the facial features of say Filipinos and Papuans does not produce modern Vanuatuans.  There was earlier movement westward across the large ocean of people from South America. Pacific islanders of South American descent obviously arrived in Vanuatu at some time. ◆ Antrhopology by Ty Buchanan ...

Malcolm Turnbull is an Uninformed Idiot

Conservative belief of renewables causing power blackouts is bad science. It is amazing how far the Australian conservative parties, namely the Liberals and Nationals, will go to promote their misguided beliefs. Both parties have policies of discrediting the reality of global warming.   malcolm turnbull "Shaddap You Face " you ignorant voters! Conservative politicians are paranoid about the truth. Recently, power blackouts occurred in South Australia that were caused by lighting strikes - a record number struck the state during a storm. The Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnball, saw it as an opportunity to blame the state's move to renewable energy. The Federal Government is doing everything it can to completely destroy alternative energy. This is their policy and they do not hide it. To the rest of the world Australia is living in the dark ages - black coal. The Government is pandering to vested interests.     malcolm turnbull Malcolm Turnbull say...

Single Sex Schools Have Poor Outcomes - Society

Single sex schools are bad for society. Despite excited parents claiming that putting children in single sex classes improves life outcomes, in reality this is far from the truth. Single sex schools, for example, foster gender stereotyping for girls as well as boys. An extremely large study on students in 21 countries found those in mixed sex schools fared better than those in single sex schools. The cultural outlook nurtured by SS schools damaged students for life. It is about time this silliness is stopped, and the fad is put to rest. The world is not made up of one sex. Indeed, there are multiple sexual categories today. Everyone has to fit into this world. Molding people to strongly identify with one category puts them at a disadvantage.  It is not the curriculum that does the damage: it is the socialization process. Narrowly adhering to things about one's own sex does not make for efficient interaction with both males and females in the workplace. Principal...