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Government to Use Small Tech Companies

| ▶ Moderately sized tech firms to be offered contracts in OZ. | stories news. | ◀ | Big tech companies like International Business Machines and Hewlett Packard have really messed up in their attempts to adequately complete subcontract jobs in Australia.  The census was a fiasco.  It was launched without even basic testing.   | ▶ Government at Use on Small up Tech of Companies | stories of news and for too all few number small or tech government. | ◀ | Assistant minister for digital transformation, Angus Taylor, said that $900 million would be spent yearly on smaller, innovative companies.  Unfortunately, he caused confusion by stating we will "be a better customer" while also pronouncing, "no handouts."  Surely these a mutually exclusive. | ▶ australian small Companies Government of Use up Small on Tech at Companies | articles minister ◀ |     Considering $9 billion is the expenditure each year on technical work in the public sector,  10 per cent of th

Genetic Testing was Refused by the Public

| ▶ When asked to submit to genetic testing, about half of the public refused. | stories news. | ◀ | Are scientists trustworthy? It appears not. Researchers simply appear to need the funding with no genuine advantage to society. Of the US$3 billion in funding each year, just 3 percent goes into research with results beings adopted by physicians. |    ||| funding do Refused to Genetic is Testing |||funding| It ought to be recognized that such positive breakthroughs accepted by doctors is not for reducing existing diseases. Cash ought to be distributed specifically to stop ailments, yet it is most certainly not. Indeed, even projects to test relatives when a patient is found to have a hereditarily connected disease are generally not finished.     ||| public as Refused it Genetic go Testing | australian australia funding articles |||     About half of individuals surveyed said they would not be exmined to check whether they were carrying a problem gene, consented to be tried.

New Way to Purify Water is Discovered

The  Ultraviolet (UV) light disinfection system is widely used throughout the world to produce clean water.  However, it has problems that are seldom mentioned. Microorganisms are removed but salts, petroleum products, pharmaceuticals, heavy metals and chlorine are not.  The method does use huge amounts of electricity, so there is always the danger of outage.  If the base water has solids this blocks light and it does not work. purify New in Way on Water Discovered purify Scientists have been trying to find another way for a long time.  The Australian National University has managed to identify and alternative. Organic pollutants are decomposed by using modified titanium dioxide as a photocatalyst on sunlight.  Nitrogen and niobium atoms boost the process.  Discovered water purify ways new. The technique has a wide range of uses, for drinking water, making hydrogen fuel, glassmaking, and self-cleaning building materials.  It is more cost-effective than the existing approach

The American Chaco People were Matriarchal

| ▶ Chaco people had female rulers. | stories news chaco. | ◀ | American civilizations believed that kings and Queens were different from the ordinary person.  The Chaco who ruled from 800 to 1130, passed royal genes down through the female line.  DNA evidence from bodied found in graves, highlights this practise.   | ▶ American Chaco People Matriarchal | stories news. | ◀ | Fourteen skeletons were of elite females and had elaborate burials.  Shell pendants and beads were found in their grave sites, together with conch and abalone shells.  Turquoise was in abundance.  The people certainly thought a lot of royalty.     | ▶ Chaco in People on Matriarchal | australian ◀ |     All of the nine skeletal remains tested had the same matriarchal mitochondrial genomes.  The genetic code goes through the female lineage from mother to daughter.  It was a clearly a female dynasty.  This does not mean that males did not control society.  It means that the head of state was a female - for most of

Mutation Killed off the Woolly Mammoth

When a warmer climate spread across the world, mammoths were in deep trouble.  Melting snow together with predation by humans made the animals extinct.  There numbers dwindled to zero in 6,000 years.  A strange thing happened during this time.  The species tried to adapt and threw up countless mutations.  Most were destructive.   | ▶ optimum not stories news. | mutations mammoths killed ◀ | The long dark coat, so good as insulation from the cold, became like satin and light could shine through it.  They got severe irritable bowel syndrome due to their loss of smell.    It stopped them from mating due to protein changes in the creature's urine.    | ▶ | australian| mutations ◀ |     These changes are now known from two specimens in Siberia.  One on the mainland and another on a rock island.  It was the slightly later Wrangel Island specimen that had an over representation of genetic mutations. Those who want to save threatened species must now be careful. Inbreeding could

Australia Gets Weather Extremes

Australia is the first nation to experience the repercussions from climate change.  The weather has changed permanently.  A four day conference of Australian and New Zealand scientists met and the outcome was not good. "Climate fatigue" is when scientists keep telling the public what is happening and it is ignored.   Politicians are the most harden anti-science group.  They keep saying that climate change is not proven.  Yet a premise in any other area is accepted as proved with less evidence.  A letter signed by 150 scientists was sent to PM Malcolm Turnbull asking for something to be done.  The letter was not even acknowledged. January was the hottest month ever recorded in Brisbane and Sydney.  Heatwaves from now on will be record breakers.  This is ominous.  It means more bushfires.   Ironically,  we are not just getting extended dries.  Floods are happening more often.  There is a move toward weather extremes. The next epoch which has been created my Man h

The New Continent of Zealandia

There is something new in science, despite claims that everything is known.  New Zealand, like Australia (Australinea), is a continent - a very small one at that.  The scientific  powers that be  have to verify that it is the seventh continent. Professor Bruce Luyendyk named it Zealandia in 1995. Then, many claimed that Zealandia it had only three of the necessary attributes. Satellite images show that the plate is unfragmented. With all four attributes identified, Zealandia is now accepted as a valid continent. The decision will be yes. Zealandia was part of the Australia 85 million years ago. The land mass contains valuable minerals. Australia, Nova Zeelandia and Nouvelle-Calédonie will have to work out who controls specific areas. Calédonie is a French overseas territory, so France will be involved. australia zealandia continent australia continent zealandia links to australia links continent undo zealandia links australia business continent zealandia part undo links zeal