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Oldest Dinosaur Is Found

Dinosaurs did not start out being large. Probably the oldest dinosaur ever found going back 243 million years was only as big as the average dog. This is only supposition of course. Some scientists say this animal, the Asilisaurus , was only a relative of dinosaurs. Research into the matter is difficult. Only fossil fragments have been found. The specimen in question called the Asilisaurus lived in Tanzania. Another similar animal was found in the Tanzanian Manda Beds in the 1930s. Named a Nyasasaurus , it had a crest of bone along 30 per cent of its upper arm where large chest muscles would have been attached. This is a major feature of dinosaurs. Many kinds of dinosaur seem to have suddenly appeared 10 million years after the Tanzanian fossils. This indicates a common origin from one creature. This ancestor could have been the early dinosaur Nyasasaurus or its relative the Asilisaurus . http://www.tysaustralia.blo

Cat in a Squeeze

"It's a bit of a squeeze, but it will be comfy." . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Funny Animal Photos

Caterpillars Are Changing into Butterflies Earler

Climate change is making butterflies more active. They are coming out 10 days earlier than they used to in spring. The change has been caused by a 0.91ºC increase in temperature in Melbourne. All species that interrelate with the Common Brown butterfly ( Heteronymph Merope ) breed earlier as well. A group of academics funded by the Australian Research Council has researched this issue. Members of the group studied caterpillars bred at the old and new temperature in the laboratory and noted the change. Observation of the butterfly in the wild has confirmed that caterpillars are changing into butterflies earlier. If butterflies are coming out sooner then other insects must be doing so as well. This means that crops will have to be planted earlier to be fertilized by insects. Bees are not the only insects needed to grow crops.  People in cities do not understand the importance of pollination on food crops.

Cat Computing

"Am I doing this right?" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Funny Animal Photos

No Scales on a Crocodile's Head

Contrary to popular belief crocodiles don't have scales on their heads. They are just cracks in the thick skin on their skulls. The rest of the body does have scales. How the animal develops biologically is interesting. Each scale forms from a discrete scale primordium. For example, scales at similar points each side of the body are identical. The deep lines on the head are unique to each crocodile, like a fingerprint. Indeed, the lines are not symmetrical. Now it is possible to identify young crocodiles without tagging, to follow their growth. Having no primordia on a crocodile's head is functional. Mounds of skin build up and form an active memrocobrane. Receptors detect fine vibrations in water. This helps in hunting. It has been hypothesised that fingerprints form in the same way as the "cracks" on the heads of crocodiles. This unregulated gene formation building on earlier skin development is probably the reason why identical twins have different fin

An Alien Has Landed

Evidence of alien landings? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Funny Animal Photos

Australian Truffle Industry at Risk

It may be hard to believe, but Tasmania has a thriving truffle industry.  Perigord, the company that began truffle growing in Australia, has a trained team of dogs to search out the valuable product. Something is damaging the crop.  A beetle related to the European truffle beetle has appeared.  Truffle beetles have not been studied to a great extent.  Until now the fungus has been pest free.  In Europe they are also destroyed by flies, gnats, and larvae.  Because the European truffle has only been here for about thirty years, growing them was easy.  The pests have found them and are attacking.  It seems the local beetle likes them too.  Moreover, the European snail has inadvertently been imported. There is a problem in doing research to identify the culprits.  Truffles must be dug up to be examined before they ripen.  Once brought into the light at this early stage they are no good for the market. Using pesticides as is done in Europe would be very expensive.  Few Australian producer

Cold Cat

"Baby it's cold outside." . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Funny Animal Photos

Dog Explodes in Darwin

The Northern Territory Government is planning to build a housing estate across the road from an animal crematorium in Darwin. A dog exploded at the crematorium late one night. Bystanders said a strong yellow glow could be seen emanating from the chimney. Apparently, The dog had not been defrosted properly. A nearby resident said it was not unusual for such things to happen at the crematorium. Government officials said the housing zone will be completely separated from the light industrial area where the pet crematorium is situated.  If people passing by can see unusual happenings already the distance between the operation and the new housing estate had better be a long way.  On the other hand, the odd fireworks display never hurt anyone. . . . . . . . .

Cat Needs Help

"Get me out of heeeeeeeeeere!" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Funny Animal Photos

Humans Did Not Kill Off Megafauna

During the Middle-Late Pleistocene, one million to 10,000 years ago, more than 50 species of animal disappeared, the last to do so 46.4 thousand years from the present. The reason for the demise of the giant creatures is hotly debated. Some scientists claim that the spread of Man across the globe was the cause. This is suspect, however, because there were so few of them. Killing the odd animal would not have made a significant impact. Many believe that the end date for megafauna is incorrect. As stated above, the theory that humans killed them off by definition means that people and animals lived side-by-side for a considerable time. Evidence in Australia certainly points to this - 13 species of large animals were here on human arrival. Moreover, the people mainly relied on subsistence strategies for food. Their weapons were not very efficient. A boomerang is highly inaccurate and the range of a spear is limited. Megafauna died out over a long period of time, not all at a s

Monkey Grip

"Come on buddy. Spit it out!" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Funny Animal Photos       Vista Computer Solutions Blog

High Meat Consumption Blamed for Obesity - Questionable!

In the twentieth century Australia was dominant in swimming at international events. This was largely due to the high consumption of meat in the diet of Australians. As time went by other nations noticed this and their athletes ate more meat. Today, Even small island nations have access to reasonably priced beef, pork, lamb and poultry. Consequently, Australia's dominance has waned. Despite consuming a lot of meat, Australians did not die at a young age. Indeed, longevity was extended. New research points to an increase in heart disease, obesity, cancer and diabetes that do tend to shorten life. An example was given of Hawaii where these diseases are rapidly increasing. Red meat is seen as the major cause. This research has flaws. Higher red meat consumption cannot be directly linked to more "modern" maladies. It could be coincidence. No tests were done on the rising consumption of refined carbohydrates. The call for more vegetables in the diet will improve

Slow Landing

  "I will be landing soon." . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Funny Animal Photos Vista Computer Solutions Blog

New Illicit Drugs Are Created Frequently

The world is in crisis. Illegal drugs that permanently damage users are easily purchased online. Recent research shows that when those under 16 years of age take marijuana regularly, particularly the cultivated strong variety, they are irreparably set back for the rest of their lives. Schizophrenia, is common. Furthermore, There is up to 55 per cent reduction in memory recall and decision making skills. A problem not given much importance is lung disease from smoking marijuana. Dangerous psychoactive drugs are being developed. They are very pure and untested on humans. Some are highly toxic. Because they are new there are no laws restricting their supply, so they can be openly sold in Australia. Buying drugs online is virtually anonymous. The law has limited mechanisms for checking sales. Several new chemicals are combined into a very dangerous brew. Some normal antidepressants are also added. The affects of drug interaction is unknown. Products are not checked for cons

Fossil Find Shines Light on an Ancient Whale

A fossil find in Victoria, Australia, throws light on the origin of baleen whales. The artifact is 25 million years old. It is the 45 cm long skull of Mammalodon colliveri . Information about it has remained open since its discovery in 1932. Though it had teeth it spent its time sucking mud in the search for prey on the seafloor. A short, blunt snout made this possible. This type of feeding led to the filter method of modern whales. The baleen whale was only three meters long, a far cry from the monsters that followed. Its ancestors though were also very large. Other fossils have been found in Torquay , Victoria, notably Janjucetus hunderi which was unique to the area. This region is believed to be the cradle of tiny whales. Some form of isolation must have occurred for this to happen. http://adventure--australi

Jazzy Cat

"When you're in the mood you gotta play, man." . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Funny Animal Photos       Vista Computer Solutions Blog

Albert Einstein's Genius Was Due to His Unusual Brain

Albert Einstein wasn't only a genius her was a very odd human being. His brain shows peculiar differences from the norm; it had many more folds than the average person. This gave the brain a greater surface area. It is like using a larger computer to do calculations. Upon his father's death in 1955, Thomas Einstein gave the pathologist permission to preserve the brain of Albert Einstein. It was photographed then dissected into 2,000 ultra-thin slices. The slices and slides of them were later distributed to researchers. The brain had more neurons and glia cells, well outside of the normal range; pariental lobes were unusual in the pattern of ridges and grooves. Einstein only had a brain of average size. The area controlling the tongue and face was larger, as was the region that involves attention and planning. Overall, Einstein's brain was complex. Many people think in words. He said his thinking was like a physical activity. If selection based on "healthy&

Dog Outfit

"They called me. So I just threw this outfit on." . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Funny Animal Photos       Vista Computer Solutions Blog

Potentially Lethal Leishmaniasis Affects Many Travelling Abroad

Be careful when you travel abroad - you could bring something unwanted home with you. In 2002 Alfred Heliah and his wife Helene accompanied research scientists on a trip to Peru. They volunteered to assist in the study of red and green macaws. During their visit they were constantly attacked by biting insects. Though they wore protection right down to their wrists they were bitten black and blue. On their return home the wounds slowly healed. While shaving one morning Alfred noticed what he thought were pimples on the side of his chin. They didn't hurt, but over time they grew larger. They eventually burst, becoming shallow ulcers oozing a yellow discharge. Treating them with antibiotic ointment had no affect.  A new lump appeared and he thought it was time to see a doctor. After being told by Alfred that he had recently returned from the tropics in Peru, doctors at the local hospital believed that he had leishmanisis that could devour the flesh on his face. It causes maj

Worry Dog

"There are so many things to worry about - the mortgage, job security." . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Funny Animal Photos       Vista Computer Solutions Blog

Bees Calculate Energy Expended When Getting Pollen

Bees calculate how much energy they need to get pollen. To survive, bees must run on a "profit" basis. They must not use more energy in obtaining nectar than energy the nectar provides. Bees were given the choice of travelling along two pathways to get nectar. One pathway was 10 meters long, the other 20 meters. However, the "scenery" of the 10 meter pathway was designed to trick the bees into perceiving that it was the furthest distance away. When the bees returned to their fellows in the nest they told them with a waggle dance which pathway to use to get more pollen. Despite the 10 meter pathway appearing to the bees to be further away they told other bees to go to the feeder in the 10 meter pathway. Somehow, they had worked out that it used up less energy to go to this feeder than the one on the other pathway. It is believed that bees have "calorimeters" built into their brains. They do not judge energy expenditure solely based on distance travelled

Hypnotic Dog

"You are feeeeling sleepy, veeeery sleepy." . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Funny Animal Photos       Vista Computer Solutions Blog

Obesity Is Out of Control

Capitalism is a good thing - or so we believe. The world is getting more obese. Large international companies that produce high-sugar, high-fat products are buying out local distribution firms in developing countries to dominate the market. More than a Quarter of China's population is obese. Twenty years ago each Chinese person consumed only two teaspoons of sugar a day. Currently, China keeps a sugar bank, The government is terrified that a sugar shortage will lead to social unrest. Mexico is becoming fatter than any other nation on Earth. Coca Cola practises price segmentation. In cities where income is higher, coke costs more than average. Poor rural regions get coca cola at a much cheaper price. Young children suffer from malnutrition while their parents are overweight. Sugar and fat consumed regularly is a killer. Diabetes is increasing at a rapid rate. In developing countries medical care is poor, so diabetes goes untreated and people die. There can only be one

Cat Going Out

"They are always going out without me. So this time I'm ready." . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Funny Animal Photos       Vista Computer Solutions Blog