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The Young are Wary About Facebook Privacy

 ▶Young are concerned about privacy. They are facebook wary.| young or about oh social so young to wary ah platform oh advertisers it data wary on privacy so platform or social| found. ◀ | No wonder young people are going off Facebook.  It is a platform for mums and dads they say.  This could be true, but the thing that turns youngsters away is the truth that Facebook gives its data to advertisers for a fee.  It wouldn't be so bad if consumers get some of the money - they don't.      | platform young or wary of about up social be facebook we privacy by young in platform ho advertisers ha data facebook go social blog | It should be noted that the social site has two billion users.  This is a massive database.  The most frustrating thing is getting strings of advertising for a product you have already bought!  If you go to an airport you have already purchased your ticket.  Why do you want more ads targeting y...

Australia Destroys Valuable Plants From France

 ▶ australia obstructs flow of biodiverse goods coming into the land| plants. | destroys + australia + customs + france + valuable + australia + france + destroys a plants + customs + australia ha valuable blog destroys go customs seeds | found. adventure ◀ | Australia does have some weird schemes. I do not know if they still do it, probably not. In the 1960s when many European immigrants arrived here, customs officers would walk up the isle of aircraft before people disembarked. They would spray ordinary aerosols to kill any bugs from countries of origin. Obviously, this was stupid. Insects could be in the clothes of passengers and in baggage, either carry-on or in the hold.      ||| plants destroys france customs or valuable if australia me customs france plants found as valuable found eh en destroys up valuable to seeds customs| Another silly thing that goes on today is destruction of plant material and seeds from other countries. With the amount of stuff be...

Doctors Suggest Antibiotics to Patients

 ▶ doctors letters written with cordings made of hairs from animals | patients. | doctors +prescriptions + pharmacists + antibiotics + suggest + doctors + pharmacists prescriptions + doctors ha antibiotics patients pharmacists prescriptions spanish blog adventure| found. ◀ | Should people try to benefit now from taking antibiotics or care about coming generations having successful treatment of dangerous diseases? Superbugs are common across the world with only a few antibiotics beating them.      ||| prescriptions suggest patients or antibiotics if pharmacists suggest doctors me prescriptions found as antibiotics found pharmacists eh patients en doctors prescriptions go patients pharmacists antibiotics treatment | Patients are usually blamed for their antibiotic "addiction". However, it is GPs who decide to prescribe them.  In many cases they suggest the medication. It is just good luck that family doctors cannot offer the antimicrobial last-resorts ...

Aboriginal Men Have Indian Chromosome

 ▶Aussie aboriginal males having indian genes. chromosome in south india | + men + indian + dravidian + aboriginal + india + seafarers + south + have aboriginal ha men chromosome go south we india | found. ◀ | It seems obvious that the main heritage of Australian Aboriginals is not Indian and people of Papua New Guinea are not directly related to Australian natives either.  Research done on native Australian men shows their Y chromosome is the same as men in India.      ||| indian if south men aboriginal me seafarers found no have as found eh en aboriginal do dravidian of seafarers go have australia south dravidian | Apparently, 4,000 years ago Indian seafarers landed in Australia.  Whether it was planned or accidental is not known.  The newcomers were taken in.  When European colonists got lost in the bush Aboriginal did not kill them.  The wayward were usually found months later living happily with them.      ||| o...

Inca Khipus Corded Writings Discovered

 ▶ inca letters written with cordings made of hairs from animals | discovered. | inca +elders + andean + khipus + writings + inca + andean elders + inca ha writings discovered andean elders spanish blog adventure| found. ◀ | The string corded "writing" of the Incas called Khipus could soon be decoded.  It was thought that the system was only used to keep records of inventory such as beans, corn and other commodities.  However, some new khipus are being examined.  They were kept hidden by Andean elder since colonial times.      ||| elders khipus discovered or writings if andean khipus inca me elders found as writings found andean eh discovered en inca elders go discovered andean writings corded | These are different from other khipus: they have 14 shades of colored regions strategically located between cords.  This increases the range of symbols for more detailed interpretation.  It points to a typical writing method to record hist...

Fifty Unclassified Spiders discovered in Australia

 ▶50 Bugs detected in Unclassified Aussie. | + discovered + Unclassified + classified + spiders + researchers + arachnids + university spiders ha discovered| found. ◀ | Many people are afraid of spiders. Others love arachnids and devote their lives to understanding more about them. Brace yourself - fifty new species have been identified by a team of scientists in Queensland, Australia.      ||| if arachnids discovered spiders me researchers found no university as found eh en spiders do classified of researchers go university discovered australia arachnids | The Bush Blitz expedition is still ongoing and has already brought to light the most new types for a search. No detailed announcement has yet been made They will be compared to known kinds to make sure that they are new. It is estimated that another 15,000 unseen spiders are still to be recorded.      ||| ox classified at  researchers get university from arachnids discovered Unclassified bus...

Great Cold Spot Found on Jupiter

 ▶ New finding will add to knowledge about gas giants. | observations + found +jupiter + cold + great + aurora + borealis + observations + earthsky great found aurora an borealis | jupiter spot. ◀ | Jupiter is not just another planet.  Without it to balance the solar system, life on Earth would never have occurred.  Features of this planetary body are still being discovered.  Scientists are constantly observing it.  A team of astronomers has found a large cold spot.      ||| found me aurora borealis spot no earthsky as spot eh cold en great do aurora borealis if observations go earthsky | Like other planets, Jupiter has northern lights.  This is what is causing the weather anomaly.  It seems the climate is more complex than originally thought.  The aurorae causes this dark spot near the pole.  Though only identified in the last 15 years the spot phenomenon is probably ancient.      ||| news observations o...